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Library Resources for Michigan Law Students: Welcome

Welcome to Your Library

As a student at Michigan Law, you have access to the best in legal research resources right under your feet. The Underground Library and Law Library staff is devoted to your scholarship, study, and skills development.

Law School Essentials: Study Guides, Study Spaces, and So Much More

Secret to Success

A quiet place to study. A scan of a book chapter. A room to meet with classmates. A topical study guide. A laptop charger. The Law Library is here to provide you with all the little amenities that add up to success in law school.

Waiting for you in the Law Library:

  • Text-searchable scans of books and journals, sent to your email inbox
  • Open access to a vast array of the top legal databases
  • Electronic study guides to legal topics and law school courses
  • Hundreds of open seats in the quiet Underground Library, exclusively reserved for law students
  • Phone chargers, laptop stands, and other gadgets available for checkout
  • A team of lawyer-librarians here to help you navigate the muddy waters of legal research

A Collection that Can't Be Beat

Your Local International Library

The Law Library seeks to provide a complete, worldwide collection of primary material, and a research-level collection of secondary and research resources. That means whatever the body of law, historical era, or global jurisdiction you are researching, the Law Library can support your work.

In Your Hands or On Your Screen

The Law Library collection is the second largest library on campus, with 25 miles of bookshelves, and that's just the beginning. We also have hundreds of thousands of electronic titles, with more being added all the time. These are books you can read from the comfort of your study space--wherever that might be.

Loans Not Limits

If the book or journal article you need is not on campus, you can still count on the Law Library. Request an item through your Interlibrary Loan account, and the Law Library staff will have it delivered to the Information Desk.

Did You Know?

As an MLaw student, you have access to the U-M undergraduate, graduate, and other libraries. See this research guide for more information about using the various libraries across campus.

Get to the Advanced Catalog Search from the Law Library homepage.

image of homepage catalog box with Advanced Search link

Need Help?

  Call us at 734-764-9324

text message icon Text us at 734-329-5606

twitter bird icon Tweet @ us!

  Email us at Emails are answered by Librarians during standard business hours, Monday-Friday. Patrons may expect a response within 1-2 business days for most emails.

  Consult with us. Schedule an appointment to meet with a Reference Librarian.

  Visit us at the Information Desk on Sub-1 for immediate in-person assistance. Open 8 am - midnight, Sunday-Thursday, and 8am - 10pm, Friday-Saturday*


The chat service is available to all of our patrons but is designed to meet the legal research needs of U-M students, staff, and faculty.

Chat is monitored from 1-6 pm Monday-Wednesday and 1-5 pm Thursday-Friday on days when class is in session.

*Excluding University holidays and semester breaks--check library hours for more information. The Building and library are available to law school community ONLY after 6 pm, and are closed to all but law school community on home football Saturdays.