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Library Resources for Michigan Law Students: Printers and Scanners

Read What You Need, When You Need It

You may not be able to take Law Library books home, but you can still read them wherever you want. Whether you want a chapter of a treatise, the day's readings for your class, or a journal article you can't find online, it can be sent directly to your inbox for your reading convenience.

Printers and Scanners and Copiers, Oh My

Print on Your Law School Account

Printers on the Law School network are available on Sub-2 and Sub-3 of the Underground Library, and including a color printer in the Sub-2 copy room. Use to print everything--black and white or color.

You Can Take It With You with Scanning

Need to read a section of a book or a journal article? You can request scans directly from the catalog page by clicking the yellow "Request a Scan" button (see "Did You Know?" sidebar).

If you're already in the library, use the scanners on Sub-1 and Sub-2 to send book chapters, journal articles, or anything else for free to your email or flash drive. Both floors' Xerox scanners will also print pages, linked to your Law School network printing allocation.

KIC Scanner

In addition to the Xerox scanner on Sub-2, the two KIC Scanners on Sub-1 send high-quality, text-searchable PDFs to your device in no time.

Image of two KIC scanners on tables behind Closed Reserve shelving in the Underground Library.

Did You Know?

Request a Scan buttonThe Law Library will scan journal articles, book chapters, and other limited sections of print material and deliver it right to your email. Request scans using the "Request a Scan" button in the catalog.

screenshot image of request button on catalog record

To have a book delivered to the hold shelf, use the Request button on an item's record in the MLaw Catalog. Use the Request button for any items in the location "Annex."

Need Help?

  Call us at 734-764-9324

text message icon Text us at 734-329-5606

twitter bird icon Tweet @ us!

  Email us at Emails are answered by Librarians during standard business hours, Monday-Friday. Patrons may expect a response within 1-2 business days for most emails.

  Consult with us. Schedule an appointment to meet with a Reference Librarian.

  Visit us at the Information Desk on Sub-1 for immediate in-person assistance. Open 8 am - midnight, Sunday-Thursday, and 8am - 10pm, Friday-Saturday*


The chat service is available to all of our patrons but is designed to meet the legal research needs of U-M students, staff, and faculty.

Chat is monitored from 1-6 pm Monday-Wednesday and 1-5 pm Thursday-Friday on days when class is in session.

*Excluding University holidays and semester breaks--check library hours for more information. The Building and library are available to law school community ONLY after 6 pm, and are closed to all but law school community on home football Saturdays.