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Michigan Legal Research: Administrative Resources

An overview of the sources of law in Michigan, including primary law resources and state-specific secondary resources.

Rules and Regulations

Rules and regulations promulgated by a state agency generally first appear in the Michigan Register. The Michigan Register publishes both proposed and final rules and regulations, as well as Executive Orders from the Governor. Proposed regulations usually allow for a period where the agency considers comments on the proposed rule from the public. After the comment period is closed, if the agency chooses to adopt the rule, it will appear in its final version in a later issue of the Register.

Once a rule becomes final, it is codified (i.e., sorted topically into different titles of the Michigan Administrative Code.) 

State Agencies & Departments

Agencies are executive branch entities that derive enforcement power from the legislature. Agencies and administrative departments promulgate rules and regulations through enabling legislation passed by the Michigan Legislature.

Attorney General Opinions

The state Attorney General releases opinions deciding issues and disputes arising from state agencies/departments. Opinions can be either formal or informal. Formal opinions concern a specific issue and often are generally applicable, whereas informal opinions only affect the individual or entity seeking the decision. AG opinions are available on the Michigan Attorney General's website in a searchable opinion database.