Scholastica is a journal management product used in various disciplines, and it enables authors to submit manuscripts to multiple publications at a time. More than 500 law reviews accept submissions via Scholastica, and the current list can be viewed by going to and selecting "Law Reviews" from the "Currently displaying" dropdown menu. From this alphabetized list, click "Read more" to view additional information about a particular law review, such as publishing timelines, contact information, and links to the publication's website.
To see the list of law reviews that are currently accepting submissions through Scholastica, go to and search or browse through the list. Click on the "Open?" column heading to change the display to those law reviews that are not currently accepting submissions.
Clicking on the title will bring you to another page, where you will need to click the red "Submit Manuscript" button. This will generate a confirmation alert, which you must close to proceed.
If you would like to submit your manuscript to multiple law reviews at once, click the red "Go to submission pool" button to the right of the search box.
Scroll through the list of journals or use the search function to locate specific titles. To make selections, click the covers of those journals to which you would like to submit your manuscript.
Required fields on the form are indicated with asterisks, and Scholastica requires authors to upload both the manuscript and a CV as doc, docx, or pdf files. Additional sound, video, and/or image files may also be uploaded. Click the "Next Step" button when finished.
Once you have verified that the information you entered is correct, click the "Submit" button to complete your submission.
The Law School has a faculty-only institutional account with Scholastica. Each time you submit through Scholastica, the Law School institutional account is charged, and the Law School takes the funds from your faculty Cook Account. If you do not have a faculty Cook Account or other similar research funds, you will receive a bill from the Law School.
You may submit through Scholastica as many times or as frequently as you choose. If you exceed the funds in your faculty Cook Account or other research funds, you will receive a bill from the Law School for the additional amount.
The Law School does not have an institutional account for students, but can subsidize a current SJD student’s use of Scholastica up to $50. Please note that it is a one-time only reimbursement (not per use or per year). SJD students should submit their receipt to for reimbursement.
If you have any questions regarding Scholastica, please contact Sarah Woloschuk at