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Repairing the Unemployment Insurance Safety Net (PSI): Home

Repairing the Unemployment Insurance Safety Net

Welcome to the resource guide for "Repairing the Unemployment Insurance Safety Net", a course in the University of Michigan Law School's Problem Solving Initiative.  Below, you will find resources on a wide range of topics impacting unemployment insurance.  These will give you a good foundation on which to build for the semeser.

Financing Unemployment Insurance

Modernizing Unemployment Insurance

How Unemployment Insurance Impacts Those in Government Shutdowns

And how could Unemployment Insurance be reformed to help those impacted by shutdowns?

Unemployment Insurance Data

Unemployment Insurance Policy Reform Efforts

These policy reform efforts are from the last 5-10 years only.

Unemployment Insurance State Models

Unemployment Insurance Federal Models

How Other Countries Structure Unemployment Insurance

United Kingdom


South Africa



Unemployment Insurance and the Impact of Recessions / The Economy