Foreign Law is simply the law of another country or jurisdiction, and it is the starting place for much FCIL research. This page will help you start your research into a foreign jurisdiction.
Foreign Law Resources in the law Library
A wealth of foreign law information is available online, but remember to check them for indicators of reliability. For example:
Inaccurate, out-dated information is sometimes worse than no information at all!
Secondary sources analyze, describe, discuss and/or comment upon the law; they synthesize the law for you and place it in an analytical context. They will also help you locate relevant primary sources of law.
General Secondary Sources
These secondary sources are excellent starting places to learn the basics about a particular foreign jurisdiction.
The Guide to Foreign and International Legal Citations is another great reference to find primary law sources of foreign jurisdictions. The Guide provides standards for citing country-specific constitutions, legislation, and jurisprudence for over forty nations, and includes a profile of each country along with official sources available online.
Treatises on Specific Foreign Jurisdictions
Find books and other secondary materials on specific foreign jurisdictions by searching the Library catalog.
► Law Library Catalog Advanced Search
Foreign Law Journal Articles
Journal articles are a rich source of information on narrow legal topics. Use these resources to find legal journals and articles published around the world.
Locating Cases
Foreign Official Gazettes
Publications of legislation may be official and unofficial, codified in various forms. Many jurisdictions publish laws in official Gazettes. These are daily, weekly, or monthly publications, similar to the Federal Register, that generally contains the first version of the text of legislation, regulations, rules, legal notices, treaties, and court cases for foreign countries.
A number of resources are available to identify the title of a country's official gazette.
Legislative Compendiums
Certain types of laws may be collected in various compendium sources, in English translation. For example: