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Study Aids for Law School Courses
Transactional Drafting
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Study Aids for Law School Courses: Transactional Drafting
Choose your classes from the list below to see which study aids are available in the library for you to use in preparing for exams.
Current Semester Study Aids
Courses A-D
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Accounting for Lawyers
Administrative Law
Advocacy for Underdogs: Policy, Politics, and Justice
Business Economics for Lawyers
Cities & States as Plaintiffs
Civil Procedure
Civil Rights & Civil Procedure
Civil Rights in Federal Courts: Understanding and Tracking Change
Civil Rights: Latinos & the Law
Climate Change Law: History & Policy
Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Law: Secured Transactions & Mortgages
Comparative & International Competition
Complex Litigation
Congressional Investigations
Consumer Bankruptcy
Copyrights, Libraries & Ebooks
Corporate Finance
Corporate Governance & Investment Banking
Corporate Lawyer: Law and Ethics
Criminal Justice: Investigation and Police Practice
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure: Bail to Post-Conviction Review
Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions
Courses E-H
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Economic Analysis of Law
Economic Liberty in Early America
Electronic and Class Action Discovery
Enterprise Organization
Entertainment Law
Environmental Law and Policy
Ethics, Justice, and International Law
Family Law
Federal Antitrust
Federal Courts
Financial Regulation
First Amendment
Foreign Affairs
Forensic Science and the Law
Formation of the Common Law
Courses I-M
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Immigration and Nationality
Internal Investigations
International Human Rights Law
International Investment Law and Arbitration
International Law
International Litigation
International Project Finance
International Refugee Law
International Trade Law
Introduction to Constitutional Law
Judicial Decisionmaking
Jurisdiction and Choice of Law
Labor Law
Law and Diplomacy: African Nations and the International Criminal Court (ICC)
Law & Economic Development: India
Law in Slavery and Freedom
Law of American Federalism
Law of Armed Conflict
Law of Incarceration
Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Legal Practice
Legislation and Regulation
Liberalism and Its Critics
Local Government
Making of Civil Law
Managing Crisis: Strategies and Tactics for Corporate Distress and Restructuring
Mental Health, Law, and Policy
Mergers and Acquisitions
Modern American Legal History
Courses N-Z
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National Security and Civil Liberties
Partnership Tax
Patent Law
Power and Social Justice in Contract Law
Prices and Pricing
Public Interest Litigation Ethics
Rules of Play: Sports and Games as Legal Systems
Securities Regulation
Shakespeare and the Law
Substantive Due Process
Taxation of Individual Income
Tribal Law
Venture Capital
Water Law
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