Please contact Ask a Law Librarian (, for more information about using iThenticate for your journal, as well as for login information.
Note: iThenticate is only licensed for use by the Michigan Law community and is not available to non-law users. If you are interested in iThenticate, please contact your home library or the main University Library to let them know you are interested in the product.
iThenticate is an online plagiarism detection software application.
U-M Law Faculty members may contact Seth Quidachay-Swan (, Assistant Director for Collections & Access Services, to have a paper checked for plagiarism.
Call us at 734-764-9324
Text us at 734-329-5606
Email us at Emails are answered by Librarians during standard business hours, Monday-Friday. Patrons may expect a response within 1-2 business days for most emails.
Consult with us. Schedule an appointment to meet with a Reference Librarian.
Visit us at the Information Desk on Sub-1 for immediate in-person assistance. Open 8 am - midnight, Sunday-Thursday, and 8am - 10pm, Friday-Saturday*
The chat service is available to all of our patrons but is designed to meet the legal research needs of U-M students, staff, and faculty.
Chat is monitored from 1-6 pm Monday-Wednesday and 1-5 pm Thursday-Friday on days when class is in session.
*Excluding University holidays and semester breaks--check library hours for more information. The Building and library are available to law school community ONLY after 6 pm, and are closed to all but law school community on home football Saturdays.