Students, staff, and faculty can get a free subscription to the Wall Street Journal through the University of Michigan. You can activate your subscription by visiting You’ll then log in with U-M Weblogin and follow the instructions to create your account.
Alternatively, current articles of the Wall Street Journal online edition can be accessed through the ProQuest database$23Jun+14,+2023.
See the University of Michigan Central Student Government's website ( for more information on accessing your New York Times subscription.
Alternatively, current articles of the New York Times online edition can be accessed through the ProQuest database ($23May+31,+2023)
Current articles of USA Today online edition can be accessed through the ProQuest database ($23May+26,+2023).
Current articles of the Washington Post online edition can be accessed through the ProQuest database ($23May+25,+2023).
Current articles of the Los Angeles Times online edition can be accessed through the ProQuest database ($23May+30,+2023)
Current articles of the Chicago Tribune online edition can be accessed through the ProQuest database ($23May+31,+2023).
Create an account to access the web version.
Individuals are able to create a free account with Inside Higher Ed by registering on their website (
Law360 is available through the library's catalog ( is available through the library's catalog (
Access to includes access to The American Lawyer (, The National Law Journal (, and other legal news publications.
Digital versions of articles from the weekly print magazine can be accessed through ProQuest ($23May+8,+2023$3b++Vol.+XCIX+$2811$29).
Digital versions of articles from the weekly print magazine can be accessed through the Gale database (
A completely digitized version of the weekly magazine can be accessed through Pressreader (
Digital versions of articles from the monthly print magazine can be accessed through EBSCOhost (
Digital versions of articles from the print magazine can be accessed through the Gale database (|1282&v=2.1&it=aboutJournal).
Digital versions of articles from the print magazine can be accessed through EBSCOhost (