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European Union Research Guide: Books, Treatises, and Chapters

In-Depth Resources

The resources on this page provide more extensive knowledge of the European Union and help researchers find more specific books on certain related topics.


Major treatises on the European Union in the Law Library collection and online are identified below.

Authoritative Treatises

Find More Books in Library Catalogs

Subject Search

One of the best ways to find books on this topic using the Law Library Catalog is to use a SUBJECT search. Some useful sample searches might be:

  • European Community [keyword]
  • European union countries [keyword]

Fill in the [keyword] with an appropriate search term for your subject. Refine your search by using the additional subject headings that appear in relevant entries you find. 

Author Search

To find book chapters and essays written in books by a particular author, use the "Author" field in an advanced search in the catalog. [N.B. this only works for those books that have a table of contents included in the catalog record.] 

Other Libraries

Many other libraries use services that allow searching for author’s names in collections of essays in the author and/or keyword fields. 

  • Yale Law Library - Conduct a “keyword” search of the author’s name for essays in a collection by a particular author
  • University of Pennsylvania - Conduct an “author” search or a "keyword" search for essays in a collection by a particular author.  
  • These search strategies will also work well in the University Libraries' catalog, U-M Library Search
  • To identify titles of books that are held in libraries in the United States and around the world, a search of the OCLC Online Union Catalog, WorldCat, may be useful. 
  • To obtain books and materials from the libraries above or any of libraries in this list, contact your home library to do a Interlibrary Loan.