Book Series
Major International Tribunals
International Criminal Tribunals
International Criminal Tribunals are established by the United Nations for the purpose of prosecuting war criminals. Five International Tribunals currently exist. Each Tribunal posts official documents on its respective website. Additionally, the MLaw Library collects material on each Tribunal for research purposes.
International Law Reports
International Law Reports is the only publication which is entirely devoted to the regular and systematic reporting of decisions of international courts and arbitrators, and judgments of national courts, all translated into English. Cases are presented from a vast variety of courts and countries, including the International Court of Justice, Obsolete Court, Arbitration, United Nations Human Rights Committee, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
Search by Subject
Every item in the Law Library collection is tagged with linked, standardized Subject Headings. As you identify relevant materials in the catalog, look at the subjects assigned to the item. Try searching for other materials using those subjects, or click the subject links to find additional materials with the same tag.
Example subject headings relevant to Human Rights include the following:
Search by Keyword
A Keyword search of the Law Library catalog will look for that term, phrase, or search string anywhere in the record--title, table of contents, description, subject headings, author, etc. When a book is composed of essays, articles, or chapters with individual titles and/or authors, a keyword search can locate such titles and names in the table of contents.
Treatise Finder
Treatise Finder is a guide linking to major introductory and in-depth legal treatises, organized by subject and curated by MLaw reference librarians. Some relevant Treatise Finder pages are linked below.
By Article Subject
Article Indexes categorize articles by subject. You can also locate articles by searching the article title, author, or journal name.
Many articles and journals are not in Westlaw or Lexis. The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals is a particularly good resource for FCIL research.
By Journal Title
Once you identify an article you would like to read, search for the title of the journal in the Law Library catalog (the catalog does not include the titles to law journal articles, just the volumes and issues of law journals themselves). If a journal is not held by the Law Library, submit an Interlibrary Loan request for the article.
By Subject
"Browse E-Resources by..." Subjects to find a list of online resources identified as relevant to Human Rights.
By Jurisdiction
"Browse E-Resources by..." Jurisdictions to find a list of online resources related to a particular country or global region.