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Introduction to International Law - Sources in the UM Law Library: Periodicals

This guide to international legal research is designed primarily for students with little or no experience in doing research in international law.


1. The American Journal of International Law. 1907- . It contains substantive articles, case notes, book reviews, a summary of current United States policy and practice, selection of documents and resolutions of international organizations. This is the most prestigious journal in the international legal field.

2. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 1952- . Frequently supplemented by documentary material in pamphlet form. This the leading British journal.

3. Bulletin of Legal Developments 1966- . Published biweekly by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, it provides a concise, comprehensive overview of recent activities in a given field. Annual index.

4. Many American law schools and professional associations publish journals with an international law emphasis--a few examples are:

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