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Michigan Legislative History: Statutes (Laws)

This guide is designed to help you find Michigan legislative documents in the Law Library and elsewhere.

Current Statutes

Michigan has one unofficial online codified database, one official codification in print and two unofficial commercial codifications of its laws. Bluebook Rule T1 (p. 264 in 21st ed.) allows for citation to the commercial codifications MCLA and MCLS.

Michigan Compiled Laws, online (unofficial)

  • Michigan Compiled Laws is available for free on the Michigan Legislature website.  
  • The law is current up through the Public Act printed in the top right corner of the homepage. (e.g. MCL complete through PA 13 of 2013)

Michigan Compiled Laws, 1979 (official codification) - NOT UPDATED

  • The most recent official codification is Michigan Compiled Laws, 1979
  • It reflects the laws as they stood at the end of 1979 and is not updated.

Unofficial Codifications

Superseded Statutes

Public and Local Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan (session laws)(1835~)

  • Michigan’s session laws are published in Public and Local Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan.
  • The session laws are the laws presented in the order in which they have been passed by the legislature (instead of codified by subject).
  • They can prove useful tools for tracking changes to a particular law over the years.
  • Volumes from 1998 forward are also available online.
  • HeinOnline's Session Laws Library includes complete session laws (aka compiled public acts published at the end of each legislative session) for each state.

Michigan Compiled Laws - Official Codifications

The official codifications of Michigan statutes are listed here:

Howell’s - Unofficial Codifications

There are two editions of Andrew Howell’s compilations of and annotations to Michigan statutes:


Amendment History

  • Whether using the MCL online or the print M.C.L.A., immediately following the statute will be a list of any amendments, along with the P.A. year and number.
  • Historical and statutory notes sections, when available, give additional details such as which parts of the act were amended by which amendments.
  • Using the citations, a full history of the amendments can then be accessed through Public and Local Acts.

Repealed Statutes

  • Look for a note of repeal under the old section number in MCL online or the print M.C.L.A. 
  • If there is no history, look in successively older versions of superseded Michigan Compiled Laws until you find the law and its accompanying notes.
  • Use Public and Local Acts to find more specific information.

MI Legislature Website

Limited to 1996-Present

MI Legislature Website

Legislative material including:

  • MI Constitution
  • MI Compiled Laws
  • House Journal
  • Senate Journal
  • Bills
  • Public Acts
  • Resolutions
  • Legislative Analysis
  • Committee Records
  • Fiscal Analysis

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