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- Sandalow, Terrance and Eric Stein, eds. Courts and Free Markets: Perspectives from the United States and Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982.
- Sandalow, Terrance and FI Michelman. Materials on Government in Urban Areas Cases, Comments, Questions. St. Paul, MN: West, 1970.
Book Chapters
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Constitutional Interpretation." In Removing a Badge of Slavery: The Record of Brown v. Board of Education, edited by Mark Whitman, 210-8. Princeton, N.J.: Markus Wiener, 1992.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Constitutional Interpretation." In A Constitutional Law Anthology, edited by Michael J. Glennon. Cincinnati: Anderson, 1992.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "The Moral Responsibilities of Universities." In Moral Values and Higher Education, edited by Dennis L. Thompson. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1991
- Sandalow, Terrance. "The University and the Aims of Professional Education." In Intellectual History and Academic Culture at the University of Michigan: Fresh Explorations, edited by Margaret A. Lourie, 159-70. Ann Arbor, MI: Rackham School of Graduate St
- Sandalow, Terrance. "The Expansion of Federal Legislative Authority." In vol. 1 of Courts and Free Markets, edited by Eric Stein and Terrance Sandalow, 49-91. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Minority Preferences in Law School Admissions." In Constitutional Government in America: Essays and Proceedings from Southwestern University Law Review's First West Coast Conference on Constitutional Law, edited by Ronald KL Collins.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Racial Preferences in Higher Education: Political Responsibility and the Judicial Role." In Reverse Discrimination, edited by Barry R. Gross. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1977.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Henry v. Mississippi and the Adequate State Ground: Proposals for a Revised Doctrine." In The Supreme Court and the Judicial Function, edited by Philip B. Kurland, 135-187. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1975.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Comment on Warth v. Seldin." In vol. 4 of Management and Control of Growth, edited by Frank Schnidman and Jane A. Silverman. Washington, D.C.: Urban Land Institute, 1975.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Federal Grants and the Reform of State and Local Government." In Financing the Metropolis: Public Policy in Urban Economics, edited by John P. Crecine. Urban Affairs Annual Reviews 4. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1970.
Journal Articles
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Rejoinder (Response to article by William G. Bowen and Derek Bok)." Michigan Law Review 97, no. 6 (1999): 1923-1927.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "In Appreciation of Ted St. Antoine." Michigan Law Review 96, no. 8 (1998): 2199-2200.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "On Becoming a Law Professor." Michigan Journal of Race & Law 1, no. 2 (1996): 580-593.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Equality and Freedom of Speech." Ohio Northern University Law Review 21, no. 3 (1995): 831-844. (Eighteenth Annual Law Review Symposium: Demise of the First Amendment? Focus on RICO and Hate Crime Litigation.)
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Social Justice and Fundamental Law: A Comment on Sager's Constitution." Northwestern University Law Review 88 (1993): 461-468.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Comment on Preliminary Report on Freedom of Expression and Campus Harassment Codes." Academe 77, no. 6 (1991): 38-41.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "A Skeptical Look at Contemporary Republicanism." Florida Law Review 41 (1989): 523-544.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Andrew Walkover." University of Puget Sound Law Review 12 (1988): iii-iv.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Francis A. Allen." Michigan Law Review 85 (1986): 385-390.
- Sandalow, Terrance and Robert B. McKay. "Two Views of the Question: Are Law Schools Doing Their Job?" Rutgers Law Review 37 (1985): 581-598.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "The Moral Responsibility of Law Schools." Journal of Legal Education 34 (1984): 163-175.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Introduction to Symposium on Constitutional Protection of Human Rights: Perspectives from Abroad." University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 18 (1984): 1-3.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "The Distrust of Politics." New York University Law Review 56 (1981): 446-468.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Potter Stewart." Harvard Law Review 95 (1981): 6-10.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Constitutional Interpretation." Michigan Law Review 79 (1981): 1033-1072.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Alfred F. Conard and Allan F. Smith." Michigan Law Review 79 (1981): 371-374.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Federalism and Social Change." Law and Contemporary Problems 43 (1980): 29-38.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "George Palmer." Michigan Law Review 77 (1978): 1-2.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Judicial Protection of Minorities." Michigan Law Review 75 (1977): 1162-1195.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Racial Preferences in Higher Education: Political Responsibility and the Judicial Role." University of Chicago Law Review 42 (1975): 653-703.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Comment on Warth v. Seldin." Land Use Law and Zoning Digest 27 (1975): 7-8.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Local Government in Sweden." American Journal of Comparative Law 19 (1971): 766-785.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Jefferson B. Fordham: His Contribution to Local Government Law." University of Pennsylvania Law Review 118 (1970): 681-683.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Comment on Powell v. McCormack." UCLA Law Review 17 (1969): 164-174.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Evolving Judicial Attitudes toward Local Government Land Use Control." Bench and Bar of Minnesota 24, no. 5 (1967): 12-23.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Henry v. Mississippi and the Adequate State Ground: Proposals for a Revised Doctrine." Supreme Court Review 1965 (1965): 187-239. (Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.)
- Sandalow, Terrance. "The Limits of Municipal Power Under Home Rule: A Role for the Courts." Minnesota Law Review 48, no. 3 (1963): 643-721. (Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.)
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Minority Preferences Reconsidered." Review of The Shape of the River: Long-Term Consequences of Considering Race in College and University Admissions, Michigan Law Review 97, no. 6 (1999): 1874-1916.
- Sandalow, Terrance. Review of Free Speech in Its Forgotten Years, Academe 84, no. 4 (1998): 68-69.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Abstract Democracy: A Review of Ackerman's We the People." Review of We the People, Constitutional Commentary 9 (1992): 309-337.
- Sandalow, Terrance. "The Supreme Court in Politics." Review of Battle for Justice: How the Bork Nomination Shook America, Michigan Law Review 88 (1990): 1300-1325.
- Sandalow, Terrance. Review of Concerning Dissent and Civil Disobedience, Michigan Law Review 67 (1969): 599-612.
Reprints (Articles and other publications reprinted in full and Law Quadrangle)
- Sandalow, Terrance. "Ted St. Antoine: An Appreciation." Law Quadrangle Notes 41, no. 3 (1998): 44-45.