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- Editor. American Journal of Comparative Law Reader. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana, 1966.
- Introducción al derecho romano de Andrés Bello: publicada en el Tomo XIV de las Obras completas de Andrés Bello. Caracas: Impr. López, 1962.
- The Purpose and Perspectives of the International Faculty of Comparative Law. Luxembourg: International Faculty of Comparative Sciences, 1961.
- Co-editor. The Theodosian Code and Novels, and the Sirmondian Constitutions; A Translation with Commentary, Glossary, and Bibliography, by C. Pharr. E. Rabel, co-editor. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1952.
Book Chapters
- "The Law of Obligations." In Civil Law in the Modern World, edited by A. N. Yiannopoulos, 58-76. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1965.
- "The Comity Doctrine." In Vom deutschen zum europäischen Recht: Festschrift für Hans Dölle, edited by E. von Caemmerer, A. Nikisch, and K. Zweigert, 2, 65-86. Tübingen, Germany: J.C.B. Mohr, 1963.
- "Legal Science and the Development of Civil Law Doctrine." In Estudios Jurídico-Sociales, Homenaje al Profesor Luis Legaz y Lacambra, 523–36. Saragossa, Spain: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1960.
- "Comparative Law and Humanism." In Rapports Généraux au Ve Congrès international de droit comparé, edited by J. Limpens, 1–9. Brussels: Centre Interuniversitaire de Droit Comparé, 1960.
- "Herman Oliphant." In Dictionary of American Biography, vol. 22, suppl. 2, 500–501. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1958.
- "The Crossroads of Justice. VI." In Cursos Monográficos, 103–76. La Habana, Cuba: Academia Inter-Americana de Derecho Comparado e Internacional, 1957.
- "'Autonomy' in Choice of Law." In Actorum Academiae Universalis Jurisprudentiae Comparativae, edited by E. Balogh, 53-74. Rome: Istituto Italiano di Studi Legislativi, 1956.
- "L'unification de la législation nationale aux États-Unis." In L'unification interne du droit privé, 13-29. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1954.
- "Die Historischen Grundlagen des Internationalen Privatrechts." In Festschrift für Ernst Rabel, vol. 1, 513–37. Tübingen, Germany: J. C. B. Mohr, 1954.
- "Comparative Legal Studies in the United States: Research in Inter-American Law at the University of Michigan." In Actorum Academiae Universalis Jurisprudentiae Comparativae, edited by E. Balogh, vol. 3, pt. 1, 101–10. Rome: Istituto Italiano di Studi Legislativi, 1953.
- "Jurisprudence of Codification." In David Dudley Field: Centenary Essays Celebrating One Hundred Years of Legal Reform, edited by A. Reppy, 251–64. New York: New York University School of Law, 1949.
- "International Law as a Hindrance and as an Aid to Peaceful Change." In Introduction à l'Étude du Droit Comparé, vols. 3-4, 134–43. Paris: Librarie de la Société Anonyme du Recueil Sirey, 1938.
- "Roman Law as a Basis of Comparative Law." In A Century of Progress, 1835-1935, vol. 2, 346–403. New York: New York University Book Store, 1937.
- "Note di giurisprudenza degli Stati Uniti d'America in tema di diritto internazionale privato : anni 1932-1936 (anno 1932)." In Estratto Dalla Giurisprudenza Comparata d. Dritto Internazionale Privato, vol. 2. Rome: Istituto d. Studi Legislativi, 1937.
Journal Articles
- "Equity in the Civil Law and the Common Law." Am. J. Comp. L. 15, no. 1-2 (1966): 60-86. (Published Posthumously)
- "Recent Literature on the Conflict of Laws: The United States and Canada." Am. J. Comp. L. 10, no. 4 (1961): 473-81.
- "Legal Science and Natural Law--Apropos of Viehweg, Topik und Jurisprudenz." Inter-Am. L. Rev. 2, no. 2 (1960): 207–17.
- "The Interest in, and Possibility of, United States Participation Efforts on the International and Regional Levels: The Problem Introduced and Defined." Am. J. Comp. L. 9 (1960): 297–9.
- "American Legal Realism in Retrospect." Vand. L. Rev. 14 (1960): 317–30.
- "The Present Position of the United States in International Affairs." Hope C. Alumni Mag. 12 (1959): 11–5.
- "Les objectifs du droit international privé." Revue critique de droit international privé 48, no. 1 (1959): 1–29.
- "Le droit comparé et l'humanisme ." Revue internationale de droit comparé 10, no. 4 (1958): 693–700.
- "Comparative Law and Humanism." Am. J. Comp. L. 7 (1958): 493–9.
- "Comparative Legal Studies and the Mission of the American Law School." La. L. Rev. 17 (1957): 538–51.
- "Comparative Legal Research--Some Remarks on 'Looking out of the Cave'." Mich. L. Rev. 54 (1956): 899.
- "Comparative Legal Research." Mich. L. Rev. 54 (1956): 899–928.
- "A Modern Perspective for Legal Education." J.L. & Educ. 7 (1955): 561.
- "Contract and Conflict of Laws: 'Autonomy' in Choice of Law in the United States." N.Y. L.F. 1 (1955): 46–68.
- "Recent Literature on Jurisprudence." Am. J. Comp. L. 3, no. 2 (1954): 257–79. (Included in this article are reviews of 25 books.)
- "The Historic Bases of Private International Law." Am. J. Comp. L. 2, no. 3 (1953): 297–317.
- "'Autonomy' in Choice of Law." Am. J. Comp. L. 1 (1952): 341–58.
- "American Journal of Comparative Law." Am. J. Comp. L. 1 (1952): 11–23.
- "Unification of the Laws Respecting Negotiable Instruments." Int'l L.Q. 4 (1951): 178–91.
- "Michigan Legal Publications." Mich. St. B.J. 30 (1951): 20–7.
- "Dicey: An American Commentary." Int'l L.Q. 4 (1951): 1–10.
- "Jurisprudence and Metaphysics--Triangular Correspondence." Yale L.J. 59 (1950): 273–87.
- "Roman Law and Its Influence on Western Civilization." Cornell L.Q. 35 (1949): 77–88.
- "Walter Wheeler Cook." Ill. L. Rev. 38 (1944): 341–4.
- "Research in Inter-American Law at the University of Michigan." Mich. L. Rev. 43 (1944): 549–58.
- "Law and Learning Theory." Yale L.J. 53 (1944): 338–47.
- "Comparative Research and Unification of Law ." Mich. L. Rev. 41 (1942): 261–8.
- "Trends of Legal Reform in the United States." U. Toronto L.J. 4 (1941): 76–89.
- "Jurisprudence on Parade." Mich. L. Rev. 39 (1941): 1154–81.
- "Civil Air Regulations and the Code of Federal Regulations." J. Air L. & Com. 10 (1939): 42–8.
- "Sir Henry Pollock (1845-1937)." J. Soc. Psychol. 2 (1937): 347–53.
- "Constitutional Principles and Jurisprudence ." Geo. L.J. 25 (1937): 577–606.
- "What Would Law Teachers Like to See the Institute Do?" Am. L. Sch. Rev. 8 (1936 ): 502–10.
- "What Should the American Law Institute Do?" Mich. L. Rev. 34 (1936): 461–73.
- "Restatement of the Law of Conflict of Laws." Colum. L. Rev. 36 (1936): 183–223.
- "International Law as a Hindrance and as an Aid to Peaceful Change." J. Am. Soc'y Int'l L. 30 (1936): 36–45.
- "The Enforcement and Recognition of Foreign Judgments in Anglo-American Law." Mich. L. Rev. 33 (1935): 1129–68.
- "The Enforcement and Recognition of Foreign Judgments in Anglo-American Law." Mémoires de l'Académie internationale de droit comparé 2 (1934): 348-411.
- "The American Law Institute." Canadian B. Rev. 12 (1934): 319–50.
- "Retaliation and Neutral Rights." Mich. L. Rev. 17, no. 7 (1919): 564-88.
- Review of Politica Metodice Digesta: Of Johannes Athusius (Althaus), by J. Althusius. Am. J. Comp. L. 15, no. 1-2 (1966): 371-2. (Published Posthumously)
- Review of Bilateral Studies in Private International Law: American-Austrian Private International Law by I. Seidl-Hohenveldern. Am. J. Comp. L. 12, no. 4 (1963): 596-7.
- Review of The Common Law Tradition: Deciding Appeals, by K. N. Llewellyn, and Jurisprudence: Realism in Theory and Practice, by K. N. Llewellyn. Am. J. Comp. L. 11, no. 2 (1962): 249-53.
- Review of Annual Survey of American Law, 1942-59. Am. J. Comp. L. 9 (1960): 533.
- Review of Scandinavian Studies in Law 1958, vol. 2, by F. Schmidt, editor. Am. J. Comp. L. 8 (1959): 382–5.
- Review of Mexico: A Symposium on Law and Government. Am. J. Comp. L. 8 (1959): 381–2.
- Review of Foreign Law: A Guide to Pleading and Proof, by O. C. Sommerich and B. Busch. Am. J. Comp. L. 8 (1959): 374–5.
- Review of Bilateral Studies in Private International Law, nos. 1-9. Am. J. Comp. L. 8 (1959): 375-81.
- Review of Transnational Law, by P. C. Jessup. Am. J. Comp. L. 6 (1957): 364–5.
- Review of Minnesskrift (utgiven av Juridiske Fakulteten i Stockholm vid dess Femtioårs- jubileum 1957), and Scandinavian Studies in Law 1957, by F. Schmidt. Am. J. Comp. L. 6, no. 4 (1957): 589–91.
- "The Objectives of Private International Law ." Canadian B. Rev. 35 (1957): 721–42.
- Review of Constitution of Nations, by A. J. Peaslee, International Governmental Organizations, by A. J. Peaslee, and Annuaire Européen: European Yearbook, by B. Landheer and A. H. Robertson. Am. J. Comp. L. 6, no. 1 (1957): 118–20.
- Review of Historia de la Facultad de Derecho, by L. Mendieta y Nuñez, A History of the School of Law, Columbia Univeresity, by J. Goebel,and The New York University: Self-Study, Am. J. Comp. L. 6, no. 1 (1957): 141–3.
- Review of Historia de la Facultad de Derecho, 4 ed., 37, by L. Mendieta y Nuñez. Hisp. Am. Hist. Rev. (1957): 549-50.
- Review of Bibliography on Foreign and Comparative Law: Books and Articles in English, by C. Szladits, and Guide to Inter-American Legal Studies: A Selective Bibliography of Works in English, by S. A. Bayitch. Am. J. Comp. L. 6, no. 1 (1957): 120-2.
- Review of Bibliographie der Geschriften van Prof. Mr. E.M. Meijers, by R. Feenstra et al., Etudes d'histoire du droit, by E. M. Meijers, Verzamelde Privaatrechtelijke Opstellen, by E. M. Meijers, Ontwerp voor een Nieuw Burgerlijk Wetboek, by E. M. Meijers, Het Ontwerp-Meijers voor een nieuw Burgerlijk Wetboek vergeleken met de bestaande wetgeving, by J. H. Bast, and Handleiding tot de beoefening van het Nederlands Burgerlijk Recht, by C. Asser. Am. J. Comp. L. 6, no. 4 (57): 591–5.
- Review of Aspects Philosophiques du Droit International Privé, by H. Batiffol. Am. J. Comp. L. 6 (1957): 359–63.
- Review of Le Systeme Constitutionnel des États-Unis d'Amérique, by A. Tunc and S. Tunc, and Le Droit des États-Unis d'Amérique. Sources et Techniques, by A. Tunc and S. Tunc. Am. J. Comp. L. 5, no. 4 (1956): 673–8.
- Review of Apokrimata: Decisions of Septimius Severus on Legal Matters, translation by W. L. Westermann. Iowa L. Rev. 41 (1956): 322–3.
- Review of The Machinery of Justice in England, by R. M. Jackson. Am. J. Comp. L. 3 (1954): 598.
- Review of Traité Élementaire de Droit Civil de Planiol, by G. Ripert and J. Boulanger, and Traité Pratique de Droit Civil Français, by M. Planiol and G. Ripert. Am. J. Comp. L. 2, no. 2 (1953): 260–2.
- Review of Holmes-Laski Letters: The Correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Harold J. Laski, 1916-35, by M. DeWolfe Howe, editor, and Politics and the Constitution in the History of the United States, by W. W. Crosskey. Am. J. Comp. L. 2, no. 4 (1953): 582–6.
- Review of La Pensée politique et constitutionnelle de Montesquieu. Am. J. Comp. L. 2, no. 1 (1953): 85-7.
- Review of Law: The Science of Inefficiency, by W. Seagle. Am. J. Comp. L. 2 (1953): 277–9.
- Review of Inleidinge tot de Hollandsche Rechts-Geleerdheid, by H. de Groot. Am. J. Comp. L. 2, no. 1 (1953): 85.
- Review of Guide to the League of Nations Publications, by H. Aufricht. Am. J. Comp. L. 2, no. 2 (1953): 255.
- Review of Le Conseil d'État. Livre Jubilaire, by W. Seagle. Am. J. Comp. L. 2 (1953): 409–12.
- Review of Negligence in the Civil Law, by F. H. Lawson. Am. J. Comp. L. 1, no. 3 (1952): 294-5.
- Review of Estudios de Derecho Comparado, by J. Puig Brutau, Las Grandes Tendencias del Pensamiento Jurídico, by R. Pound, and La Jurisprudencia como Fuente del Derecho, by J. Puig Brutau. Am. J. Comp. L. 1, no. 3 (1952): 291–4.
- Review of Introduction to a Philosophy of Law, by P. Sayre. Iowa L. Rev. 37 (1952): 323–24.
- Review of Institut International pour l'Unification du Droit Privé. Actes du Congrès International de Droit Privé, tenu à Rome en Juillet, 1950 . Am. J. Comp. L. 1, no. 3 (1952): 289.
- Review of Deutsche Landesreferate zum III. Internationalen Kongress für Rechtsvergleichung in London 1950, by E. Wolff. Am. J. Comp. L. 1, no. 3 (1952): 289-91.
- Review of Der Grundsatz des Entscheidungseinklangs im internationalen Privatrecht. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Renvoi, by M. Pagenstecher. Am. J. Comp. L. 1, no. 1/2 (1952): 166.
- Review of Money in the Law: National and International, by A. Nussbaum. Harv. L. Rev. 64 (1951): 1045–7.
- Review of Legal Philosophy from Plato to Hegel, by H. Cairns. Ill. L. Rev. 44 (1949): 414–6.
- Review of Essays on the Conflict of Laws, by J. D. Falconbridge. Canadian B. Rev. 27 (1949): 116–22.
- Review of A Textbook of the English Conflict of Laws, by C. M. Schmitthoff. Colum. L. Rev. 47 (1947): 163–4.
- Review of Selected Articles on the Conflict of Laws, by E. G. Lorenzen. Ill. L. Rev. 42 (1947): 695–6.
- Review of Process of International Arbitration, by K. S. Carlston. Ill. L. Rev. 42 (1947): 409–10.
- Review of Interpretations of Modern Legal Philosophies: Essays in Honor of Roscoe Pound, by P. Sayre, editor. Yale L.J. 56 (1947): 1101–6.
- Review of Principles of Private International Law, by A. Nussbaum, and Private International Law, by M. Wolff. Yale L.J. 54 (1945): 889–97.
- Review of Law and Peace in International Relations, by H. Kelsen. Am. Pol. Sci. Rev. 36 (1942): 967–8.
- Review of A Kaleidoscope of Justice, by J. H. Wigmore. Law. Guild Rev. 2 (1942): 31–2.
- Review of Institutes of the Roman Law of Civil Procedure, by L. Wenger. Brook. L. Rev. 10 (1941): 312–6.
- Review of Characterization in the Conflict of Laws, by A. H. Robertson. U. Toronto L.J. 4 (1941): 233–5.
- Review of Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in the Common Law Units of the British Commonwealth, by H. E. Read. Yale L.J. 49 (1940): 1134–40.
- Review of Henry Wheaton, 1785-1848, by E. F. Baker. Ga. L.J. 27 (1938): 105–7.
- Review of Cases and Materials on the Conflict of Laws, by E. G. Lorenzen. Yale L.J. 47 (1938): 1038–42 .
- Review of Cases and Other Materials on Conflict of Laws, by E. E. Cheatham and N. T. Dowling. Ill. L. Rev. 31 (1937): 833–8.
- Review of Private International Law, by G. C. Cheshire. U. Chi. L. Rev. 3 (1936): 337–43.
- Review of By Pacific Means, by M. O. Hudson. Ga. L.J. 25 (1936): 235–8.
- Review of Law and the Social Sciences, by H. Cairns. Am. Pol. Sci. Rev. 29 (1935): 1049–50.
- Review of Crime and Criminal Statistics in Boston, by S. B. Warner. Am. Pol. Sci. Rev. 29 (1935): 149–50.
- Review of For My Grandson, Remembrances of an Ancient Victorian, by Sir F. Pollock. Colum. L. Rev. 34 (1934): 590–2.
- Review of Bijdrage tot de Geschiedenis van het International Privaat -- en Strafrecht in Frankrijk en de Nederlanden, by E. M. Meijers. Mich. L. Rev. 18, no. 7 (1920): 713-5.
- Review of The President's Control of Foreign Relations, by Edward S. Corwin. Mich. L. Rev. 16, no. 7 (1918): 564-5.
Other Publications
- Foreword to The American Journal of Comparative Law Reader, by H. E. Yntema, editor, vii-x. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana, (1966).
- Foreword to The Conflict of Laws: A Comparative Study. 2nd ed., by E. Rabel. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1958-1964.
- Foreword to Foreign Personal Representatives, by B. McDowell. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1957.
- Foreword to A Common Lawyer Looks at the Civil Law, by F. H. Lawson. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1955.
- Foreword to Soviet Civil Law, by V. Gsovski. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1948-1949.
- Foreword to Torts in the Conflict of Laws, by M. Hancock. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1942.
- "The Comity Doctrine." Mich L. Rev. 65, no. 1 (1966): 9-32. (Published Posthumously. Originally published under the same title in Vom deutschen zum europäischen Recht: Festschrift für Hans Dölle, edited by E. von Caemmerer, A. Nikisch, and K. Zweigert, 2, 65-86. Tübingen, Germany: J.C.B. Mohr, 1963.)