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- Psychiatry for Lawyers. Rev. ed. New York: International Universities Press, 1978.
- The Lawyer in the Interviewing and Counselling Process. Indianapolis, Ind.: Bobbs-Merrill, 1976.
- Lawyers, Clients, and Ethics. M. Bloom et al., co-authors. New York: Meilen Press, 1974.
- Psychiatry for Lawyers. New York: International Universities Press, 1968.
- Medical and Psychiatric Testimony in Criminal Cases. C. H. Wecht and S. Pollack, co-authors. New York: Practising Law Institute, 1968.
Book Chapters
- "Forensic Psychiatry." In Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, II. 2nd ed., edited by A. M. Freedman et al., 2421–36. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1975.
- "On Teaching Professionalism: A Continuing Psychiatric Analysis." In Clinical Education for the Law Student, 139–77. New York: Council on Legal Education for Professional Responsibility, 1973.
- "On Getting the Jury to Trust the Expert." In Experts in Litigation, edited by G. Holmes, 75–82. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1973.
- "Behavioral Science and the Law: Liaison or Liability?" In National College of the State Judiciary, 1–18. Reno, Nev.: National Judicial College, 1972.
- "Could the Legal System Be More Humane?" In What's Wrong with the Law?, edited by M. Zander, 61–69. London: British Broadcasting Co., 1970.
- "Untying the Knots: The Cross-Examination of the Psychiatric Expert Witness." In Examining the Medical Expert, edited by A. G. Sugerman, 13–20. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1969.
- "The Conjoint Psychotherapy of Marriage Partners." In Handbook of Marriage Counseling, edited by B. N. Ard and C. C. Ard. Palo Alto, Calif.: Science & Behavior Books, 1969.
- "Psychoanalysis and Divorce." In The Marriage Relationship, edited by S. Rosenbaum and I. Alger, 321–39. New York: Basic Books, 1968.
- "Psychiatric Considerations in Presentation of Damages." In Damages: Trial Demonstrations and Lectures, edited by J. W. Reed, 227–36. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1967.
- "Treatment of a Family Involved in Fratricide." D. Karek, co-author. In Legal Interviewing and Counseling, edited by H. A. Freeman. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1964.
- "Communication between Psychiatrists and Lawyers." In Communication in Clinical Practice, edited by R. W. Waggoner and D. J. Carck. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1964.
- "Law and the Mind: The Psychiatrist's Viewpoint." In Law and the Mind, 63–78. Madison: University of Wisconsin-Extension, Dept. of Law, 1962.
Journal Articles
- "The Evolution of Legal Methods for Dealing with Mind-State in Crime." Bull. Am. Acad. Psychiatry & L. 20 (1992): 211–20.
- "Some Psychological Aspects of the Trial Judge's Decision-Making." Mercer L. Rev. 39 (1988): 937–60.
- "A Psychiatrist on the Law School Faculty: Influences on Professional Careers." Law Med. & Health Care 16 (1988): 240–7.
- "Mediation and Negotiation: Learning to Deal with Psychological Responses." U. Mich. J.L. Reform 18 (1985): 293–305.
- "Response from a Straw Man." Bull. Am. Acad. Psychiatry & L. 12, no. 3 (1984): 221–4.
- "Compassion, Control and Decisions about Competency—Comment." Am. J. Psychiatry 141 (1984): 58–60.
- "Evaluating Competency to Stand Trial." C. Malmquist and L. Roth, co-authors. Psychiatry Update 3 (1983): 1.
- "Mid-City Law Center: Opportunity for Academic Innovation." U. Puget Sound L. Rev. 4 (1981): 253–97.
- "Measuring Program Outcome: The Progress Evaluation Scales." D. Ihilevich et al., co-authors. Evaluation Rev. 5 (1981): 451–77.
- "Children, Families, and Courts: 'Before the Best Interests of the Child' and Parham v. J.R." Va. L. Rev. 66 (1980): 653–79.
- "Legal Education Plays Some Strange Psychological Tricks on You." Hearsay for Dalhousie L. Graduates 4, no. 2 (1979): 16-7.
- "Psychodynamics of Sexual Humor: Children's Sexual Knowledge." Med. Aspects Hum. Sexuality 12, no. 6 (1978): 118–31.
- "On the Preparation and Use of Psychiatric Expert Testimony: Some Suggestions in an Ongoing Controversy." Bull. Am. Acad. Psychiatry & L. 6 (1978): 226–46.
- "A New Approach to Responsibility." S. D. Pepe, co-author. Learning & L. 3 (1976): 80.
- "Lawyers and Professionalism: A Further Psychiatric Perspective on Legal Education." U. Mich. J.L. Reform 8 (1975): 248–85.
- "The Watergate Lawyer Syndrome: An Educational Deficiency Disease." J. Legal Educ. 26 (1974): 441–8.
- "Legal Education Plays Some Strange Psychological Tricks on You." Student Law. 3 (1974): 23–4, 52–3.
- "Know Thyself Know Thy Client." Learning & L. 1 (1974): 45–51, 66–8.
- "The Emotional Education of Lawyers." Student Law. 2 (1974): 43–4.
- "Dicta: Watson Weighs Import of Mental Abnormality." Va. L. Wkly. 27 (1974): 1, 3, 4.
- "Chief Judge David L. Bazelon as Teacher: Observations by a Sometime Collaborator." U. Pa. L. Rev. 123 (1974): 453–90.
- "The Emotional Education of Lawyers." Va. L. Wkly. 25 (1973): 1–2.
- "Contested Divorces and Children: A Challenge for the Forensic Psychiatrist." Legal Med. Ann. (1973): 489–502.
- "Levels of Confidentiality in the Psychoanalytic Situation." J. Am. Psychoanalytic Ass'n 20 (1972): 156–76.
- "Modern Family Rescue Team: Judge, Lawyer and Behavioral Scientist." Conciliation Cts. Rev. 8 (1970): 1–7.
- "Professionalizing the Lawyer's Role as Counselor: Risktaking for Rewards." Law & Soc. Ord. (1969): 17–35.
- "The Children of Armageddon: Problems of Children Following Divorce." Syracuse L. Rev. 21 (1969): 55–86.
- "The Quest for Professional Competence: Psychological Aspects of Legal Education." U. Cin. L. Rev. 37 ( 1968): 91–166.
- "The Battered Child Rebrutalized: Ten Cases of Medical-Legal Confusion." L. C. Terr, co-author. Am. J. Psychiatry 124 (1968): 1432–9.
- "Reality Testing and Transference in Psychotherapy." Smith C. Stud. Soc. Work 36, no. 3 (1966): 191–209.
- "Canons as Guides to Action: Trustworthy or Treacherous?" Tenn. L. Rev. 33 (1966): 162–8.
- "On the Low Status of the Criminal Bar: Psychological Contributions of the Law School." Tex. L. Rev. 43 (1965): 289–311.
- "On Insanity: An Exchange." Colum. U. F. 8, no. 2 (1965): 45.
- "Lawyer as Counselor." J. Fam. L. 5 (1965): 7–20.
- "Treatment of a Family Involved in Fratricide." D. Karek, co-author. Archives Gen. Psychiatry 11 (1964): 533–42.
- "Teaching Mental Health Concepts in the Law School." Am. J. Orthopsychiatry 33, no. 1 (1963): 115–22.
- "Some Psychological Aspects of Teaching Professional Responsibility." J. Legal Educ. 16 (1963): 1–23.
- "The Fear of Faith." Pastoral Psychol. 14, no. 139 (1963): 18–26.
- "The Conjoint Psychotherapy of Marriage Partners." Am. J. Orthopsychiatry 33 (1963): 912–22.
- "Family Law and Its Challenge for Psychiatry." J. Fam. L. 2, no. 2 (1962): 71–84.
- "The Psychology of the Professional Self-Image." Chemical & Engineering News 38 (1960): 84-8.
- Review of The Enigma of Felix Frankfurter, by H. W. Hirsch. Mich. L. Rev. 80 (1982): 742–52.
- Review of Beyond the Best Interests of the Child, by J. Goldstein et al. J. Am. Acad. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 14 (1975): 178–80.
- "A Matter of Custody." Review of Beyond the Best Interests of the Child, by J. Goldstein et al. N.J. L.J. 97 (1974): 1, 10–1.
- Review of Beyond the Best Interests of the Child, by J. Goldstein et al. U. Cin. L. Rev. 43 (1974): 455–63.
- Review of Marihuana Reconsidered, by L. Grinspoon. J. Fam. L. 11 (1972): 797–803.
- Review of Homicide Threats, by J. McDonald. Behav. Sci. 16, no. 3 (1971): 237–8.
- Review of The Role of Psychiatry in Law, by M. S. Guttmacher. Brook. L. Rev. 35 (1969): 339–45.
- Review of Psychiatry and the Dilemmas of Crime, by S. L. Halleck. Ind. L.J. 44 (1969): 324–31.
- Review of A Sign for Cain: An Exploration of Human Violence, by F. Wertham. J. Crim. L. Criminology, & Police Sci. 58, no. 2 (1967): 247–8.
- Review of Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry, and Law, by J. Katz et al. U. Pa. L. Rev. 116 (1967): 172–81.
- Review of Cases and Materials on Family Law, by C. Foote et al. Fam. Process 6 (1967): 267–9.
- Review of The Scope of Psychoanalysis, 1921-1961: Selected Papers of Franz Alexander, by F. G. Alexander. Behav. Sci. 9, no. 2 (1964): 167–8.
- Review of Empathy: Its Nature and Uses, by R. L. Katz. Pastoral Psychol. 15, no. 145 (1964): 6.
- Review of Crime and Insanity, by R. W. Nice, editor. U. Pa. L. Rev. 107 (1959): 895.