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- Smart Car and Smart Highway Liability: Lessons from Experience with Airbags, Antilock Brakes, Cruise Control, and Cellular Telephones. IVHS Technical Report. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan, 1992.
Book Chapters
- "Bargaining Impediments and Settlement Behavior." S. Issacharoff and C. Silver, co-authors. In Dispute Resolution: Bridging the Settlement Gap, edited by D. A. Anderson, 51-77. The Economics of Legal Relationships, vol. 2. Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, Inc., 1996.
- "Revising Michigan's Lemon Law: A Report to the Michigan Law Revision Commission." T. Prosser and H. Melia, co-authors. In Thirtieth Annual Report. Michigan Law Revision Commission, 10-41. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1995.
- "Electronic Mail and Public Disclosure Laws: A Study Report Submitted to the Michigan Law Revision Commission." D. Hunter, co-author. In Twenty-Ninth Annual Report. Michigan Law Revision Commission, 7-109. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1994.
- "Liability and Insurance Implications of IVHS Technology." In S.A.E. Transactions, 1990. New York: Society of Automotive Engineers, 1990.
- "Liability and Insurance Implications of IVHS Technology." In Automated Highway / Intelligent Vehicle Systems: Technology and Socioeconomic Aspects. Warrendale, Penn.: Society of Automotive Engineers, 1990.
Journal Articles
- "What Professional Responsibility Scholars Should Know about Insurance (Symposium: Liability Insurance Conflicts and Professional Responsibility)." Conn. Ins. L.J. 4, no. 1 (1997-1998): 17-25. (This essay originated in a speech to the Insurance Law Section of the American Association of Law Schools.)
- "Why Civil Cases Go to Trial: Strategic Bargaining and the Desire for Vindication." S. R. Gross, co-author. Disp. Resol. Mag. 4, no. 2 (1997): 21-4.
- "Going to Trial: A Rare Throw of the Die." S. R. Gross, co-author. Law Quad. Notes 40, no. 1 (1997): 74-86. (This essay is adapted from "Don't Try: Civil Jury Verdicts in a System Geared to Settlement." UCLA L. Rev. 44, no. 1 (1996): 1-64.)
- "ADR and the Decline of the American Civil Jury (Symposium: What Will We Do When Adjudication Ends?: The Present and Future of Alternative Dispute Resolution)." UCLA L. Rev. 44, no. 6 (1997): 1935-45.
- "Don't Try: Civil Jury Verdicts in a System Geared to Settlement." S. M. Gross , co-author. UCLA L. Rev. 44, no. 1 (1996): 1-64.
- "Special Project on Professional Responsibilities of Insurance Defense Lawyers (Part 1: Full-coverage Representations)." C. Silver, co-author. Def. Couns. J. 62, no. 4 (1995): 503-8. (This is the executive summary of a report later published as "The Professional Responsibilities of Insurance Defense Lawyers." Duke L.J. 45, no. 2 (1995): 255-363.)
- "The Professional Responsibilities of Insurance Defense Lawyers." C. Silver, co-author. Duke L.J. 45, no. 2 (1995): 255-363. (The executive summary of this report was previously published as "Special Project on Professional Responsibilities of Insurance Defense Lawyers (Part 1: Full-coverage Representations)." Def. Couns. J. 62, no. 4 (1995): 503-8.)
- "On the Demand for Liability Insurance (Symposium on the Law of Bad Faith in Contract and Insurance)." Tex. L. Rev. 72, no. 6 (1994): 1629-54.
- "Taking Students Seriously: A Guide for New Law Teachers." J. Legal Educ. 43 (1993): 247–59.
- "Legal Constraints to the Development and Deployment of IVHS Technology in the United States: A Report to the Federal Highway Administration." Proceedings of the Third Annual IVHS America Conference (1993).
- "Eleonora v. Eckert." Mich. L. Rev. 92 (1993): 1–2.
- "Overview: How to Improve Insurance Law Scholarship." Ins. L. Anthology 6 (1992 ): xiii–vii.
- "Insurance Law Out of the Shadows." Ins. L. Anthology 6 (1992): 571–9.
- "Getting to 'No': A Study of Settlement Negotiations and the Selection of Cases for Trial." S. R. Gross, co-author. Def. L.J. 41 (1992): 377–458.
- "Toward a Workable Duty to Settle for Liability Insurers: A Reply." Va. L. Rev. 77 (1991): 1597–603.
- "Getting to No: A Study of Settlement Negotiations and the Selection of Cases for Trial." S. R. Gross, co-author. Mich. L. Rev. 90 (1991): 319–93.
- "The Duty to Settle." Va. L. Rev. 76 (1990): 1113–209.
- "Insurance Law Out of the Shadows." Review of Insurance Law and Regulation: Cases and Materials, by K. S. Abraham. Mich. L. Rev. 89 (1991): 1429–35.
Reprints (Articles and other publications reprinted in full and Law Quadrangle)
- "The Professional Responsibilities of Insurance Defense Lawyers." C. Silver, co-author. Def. L.J. 46, no. 1 (1997): 1-105. (Originally published under the same title in Duke L.J. 45, no. 2 (1995): 255-363.)
- "The Duty to Settle." Ins. L. Anthology 5 (1991): 777–875. (Originally published under the same title in Va. L. Rev. 76 (1990): 1113–209.)
- "The Duty to Settle." Def. L.J. 40 (1991): 155–249. (Originally published under the same title in Va. L. Rev. 76 (1990): 1113–209.)