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- Thursday-Night Poker: How to Understand, Enjoy - and Win. Rev. ed. New York: Ballantine, 2005.
- Thursday-Night Poker: How to Understand, Enjoy - and Win. New York: Random House, 1996.
- Shaping the Debate: Editorials from the Washington Times. B. Garner, co-author. Washington D. C.: Washington Times, 1996.
- Macroeconomics. 10th ed. R. G. Lipsey, P. N. Courant, and D. D. Purvis, co-authors. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers, 1993. (Portions of this work were first published in the United Kingdom as An Introduction to Positive Economics, by R. G. Lipsey, 1963.)
- Macroeconomics. 9th ed. R. G. Lipsey, D. D. Purvis, and P. N. Courant, co-authors. New York: Harper & Row, 1990. (Portions of this work were first published in the United Kingdom as An Introduction to Positive Economics, by R. G. Lipsey, 1963.)
- Macroeconomics. 8th ed. R. G. Lipsey and D. D. Purvis, co-authors. New York: Harper & Row, 1988. (Contains the chapters dealing with macroeconomics of the authors' Economics, 8th ed., published in 1987. Portions of this work were first published in the United Kingdom as An Introduction to Positive Economics, by R. G. Lipsey, 1963.)
- Economics. 8th ed. R. G. Lipsey and D. D. Purvis, co-authors. New York: Harper & Row, 1987.
- Economics. 7th ed. R. G. Lipsey and D. D. Purvis, co-authors. New York: Harper & Row, 1984.
- Economics. 6th ed. R. G. Lipsey and D. D. Purvis, co-authors. New York: Harper & Row, 1981.
- Workable Competition in the Radio Broadcast Industry. New York: Arno Press, 1979.
- Macroeconomics. 5th ed. R. G. Lipsey, co-author. New York: Harper & Row, 1979. (Portions of this work were first published in the United Kingdoms as An Introduction to Positive Economics, by R.G. Lipsey, 1963. Portions of this work were first published in Economics, Fifth Edition, by R.G. Lipsey and P.O. Steiner, 1978.)
- Economics. 5th ed. R. G. Lipsey, co-author. New York: Harper & Row, 1978.
- Mergers: Motives, Effects, Policies. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1975.
- Economics. 4th ed. R. G. Lipsey, co-author. New York: Harper & Row, 1975.
- Economics. 3rd ed. R. G. Lipsey, co-author. New York: Harper & Row, 1972.
- Public Expenditure Budgeting. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1969.
- Economics. 2nd ed. R. G. Lipsey, co-author. New York: Harper & Row, 1969.
- On the Process of Planning. Athens, Ohio: Center of Economic Planning and Research, 1968.
Book Chapters
- "Lipsey and the Teaching of Economics." In Trade, Technology and Economics: Essays in Honour of Richard G. Lipsey, edited by B. C. Eaton and R. G. Harris, 287-96. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar, 1997.
- "Peak Loads and Efficient Pricing." In Transport and Land Use, edited by J. Berechman et al., 643-68. Modern Classics in Regional Science, 2. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1996.
- "Public Regulation Economics Then and Now: Comment." In Economics and the World Around It, edited by S. H. Hyman. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1982.
- "Economic and Legal Theories of the Effect on Competition of Potential Competition." In Economic Analysis and Antitrust Law, edited by T. Calvani and J. Siegfried. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1979.
- "Toward a National Antitrust Policy?" In Toward a National Antitrust Policy: Information Problems and Antitrust. New York: Conference Board, 1976.
- "Peak Load Pricing Revisited: Past and Present." In New Dimensions in Public Utility Pricing, edited by H. M. Trebing. East Lansing: Graduate School of Business Administration, Michigan State University, 1976.
- "The Theory of Marginal Public Expenditure Choices." In Benefit-Cost Analysis and Public Policy Analysis, edited by R. Zeckhauser. Chicago: Aldine, 1975.
- "Monopoly and Competition in Television: Some Policy Issues." In Public Policies toward Business. 5th ed., edited by C. Wilcox and W. G. Shepherd. Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin, 1975.
- "Public Expenditure Budgeting." In The Economics of Public Finance, edited by A. S. Blinder. Studies of Government Finance. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1974.
- "Peak Load Pricing Revisited." In Essays on Public Utility Pricing and Regulation, edited by H. M. Trebing. East Lansing: Institute of Public Utilities, Michigan State University, 1971.
- "The Public Sector and the Public Interest." In Public Expenditures and Policy Analysis, edited by R. H. Haveman and J. Margolis. Chicago: Markham Press, 1970.
- "Monopoly and Competition in Television: Some Policy Issues." In The Crisis of the Regulatory Commissions, edited by P. W. MacAvoy. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1970.
- "Administrative Decision Making and Pricing: Comment." In The Analysis of Public Output, edited by J. Margolis. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1970.
- "Corporate Control and the Theory of the Firm: Discussion." In Economic Policy and the Regulation of Corporate Securities, edited by H. G. Manne. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1969.
- "Belastungsspitzen and effiziente Preisbildung." In Finanzpolitik, edited by H. C. Recktenwald. Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1969.
- "The Value of Travel Time: Comments." In Problems in Public Expenditure Analysis, edited by S. B. Chase, 119-23. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1968.
- "Markets and Industries." In International Encyclopedia of Social Science, edited by D. Sills. New York: Macmillan, 1968.
Journal Articles
- "Academic Freedom and Tenure - Termination of Tenured Appointments: MCP Hahnemann School of Medicine (Pennsylvania)." R. Fein and A. Raines, co-authors. Academe 86, no. 3 (2000): 42-58.
- "Academic Freedom and Tenure, Bennington College: A Supplementary Report on a Censured Administration." D. Zannoni, co-author. Academe 84, no. 1 (1998): 70-5.
- "Academic Freedom and Tenure - University of the District of Columbia: Massive Terminations of Faculty Appointments." B. R. Bergmann and M. E. Poston, co-authors. Academe 84, no. 3 (1998): 46-55.
- "Access to University Records." J. Blackburn et al., co-authors. Academe 83, no. 1 (1997): 44-8.
- "The Legalization of American Society: Economic Regulation." Mich. L. Rev. 81 (1983): 1285-306.
- "Quantitative Methods in Antitrust Litigation." D. L. Rubinfield, co-author. Law & Contemp. Probs. 46, no. 4 (1983): 69-141.
- "Academic Freedom and Tenure—University of Maryland." R. Rosenbaum, co-author. AAUP Bull. (1979): 213-27.
- "The Impact of Federal Retirement-Age Legislation on Higher Education." M. W. Finkin et al., co-authors. Academe 64, no. 3 (1978): 181-92.
- "Coping with Adversity: Report on the Economic Status of the Profession 1971-1972." AAUP Bull. 58 (1972): 178-243.
- "At the Brink: Report on the Economic Status of the Profession." M. Eymonerie and W. Woolf, co-authors. AAUP Bull. 57 (1971): 223-85.
- "Efficiency of Education in Economics." Am. Econ. Rev. 59 (1969): 240-2.
- "Law and Quantitative Multivariate Analysis: An Encounter." A. H. Lozowick and R. Miller, co-authors. Mich. L. Rev. 66 (1968): 1641-78.
- Review of Economic Challenges in Higher Education, by C. T. Clotfelter et al., co-authors. Academe 78, no. 6 (1992): 64-6.
- Review of Antitrust Law: An Economic Perspective, by R. A. Posner. U. Chi. L. Rev. 44 (1977): 873-94.
- Review of Extractive Resources and Taxation, by M. Gaffney, editor. J. Econ. Literature 7 (1969): 462-3.
Other Publications
- "Preface." R. G. Lipsey, D. D. Purvis, and P. N. Courant, co-authors. Preface to Macroeconomics. 10th ed., by R. G. Lipsey, D. D. Purvis, P. N. Courant, and P. O. Steiner, co-authors, ix-xiv. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers, 1993.
- "Preface." R. G. Lipsey, D. D. Purvis, and P. N. Courant, co-authors. Preface to Macroeconomics. 9th ed., by R. G. Lipsey, P. O. Steiner, D. D. Purvis, and P. N. Courant, co-authors, xi-xiv. New York: Harper & Row, 1990.
- "Preface." R. G. Lipsey and D. D. Purvis, co-authors. Preface to Macroeconomics. 8th ed., by R. G. Lipsey, P. O. Steiner, and D. D. Purvis, co-authors, ix-xi. New York: Harper & Row, 1988.
- "Preface." R. G. Lipsey, co-author. Preface to Macroeconomics. 5th ed., ix-xii. New York: Harper & Row, 1979. (Portions of this work were first published in Economics, Fifth Edition, by R.G. Lipsey and P.O. Steiner, 1978. Portions of this work were first published in the United Kingdom as An Introduction to Positive Economics, by R. G. Lipsey, 1973.)
- "Economic Prospects and Planning in Greece: An American's View." Balkan Stud. 8 (1967): 353-63. (Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.)
- "Daily Newspapers, Monopolistic Competition and Economies of Scale." Am. Econ. Rev. 57 (1967): 559-60. (Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.)
Reprints (Articles and other publications reprinted in full and Law Quadrangle)
- "Peak Loads and Efficient Pricing." In The Foundations of Regulatory Economics: The Origins and Development of Regulatory Economics, edited by R. B. Ekelund Jr., vol. 1, 420-45. The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1998. (Originally published under the same title in Q.J. Econ. 71, no. 4 (1957): 585-610.)
- "Optimal Advertising and Optimal Quality." R. Dorfman, co-author. In Economic Theory and Public Decisions: Selected Essays of Robert Dorfman, edited by R. Dorfman, 103-13. Economists of the Twentieth Century Series. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar, 1997. (Originally published under the same title in Am. Econ. Rev. 44, no. 5 (1954): 826-36.)