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- Cases and Materials on the Law of Municipal Corporations. 3rd ed. P. G. Kauper, co-author. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1959.
- Atoms and the Law. S. D. Estep and W. J. Pierce, co-authors. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1959.
- The Law of Administrative Tribunals: A Collection of Judicial Decisions, Statutes, Administrative Rules and Orders and Other Materials. 3rd ed. F. E. Cooper, co-author. Chicago: Callaghan, 1957.
- State Regulation of Atomic Energy. S. D. Estep and W. J. Pierce, co-authors. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1956.
- Atomic Energy Technology for Lawyers. S. D. Estep and W. J. Pierce, co-authors. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1956.
- Suggestions to College Students Preparing to Study Law. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1948.
- Civil Procedure I: Cases and Materials on Pleading and Joinder. W. W. Blume, co-author. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Overbeck, 1948.
- Law of Administrative Tribunals: A Collection of Judicial Decisions, Statutes, Administrative Rules and Orders and Other Materials for Use in Courses on Administrative Law. 2nd ed. Chicago: Callaghan, 1947.
- Cases and Materials on the Law of Municipal Corporations. 2nd ed. J. E. Tracy, co-author. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1946.
- Administrative Law. New York: Practising Law Institute, 1946.
- Law of Administrative Tribunals: A Collection of Judicial Decisions, Statutes, Administrative Rules and Orders and Other Materials for Use in Courses on Administrative Law. Chicago: Callaghan, 1937.
- Cases and Other Materials on the Law of Municipal Corporations. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1935.
- Cases Concerning Administrative Tribunals. Rev. ed. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Edwards Bros., 1932.
- Cases Concerning Administrative Tribunals. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Edwards Bros., 1928.
Book Chapters
- "Legal Problems of Liability and Financial Protection Connected with Radiation Injuries." In Proceedings of the Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Paper no. 1502. Geneva: United Nations, 1958.
- "Licensing and Commission Control of Atomic Enterprise." A. Upton, co-author. In Workshops on Legal Problems of Atomic Energy, 51-62. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1956.
- "Administrative Law." In Problems in Law for Law School and Bar Examination Review, by H. W. Ballantine, 40–60. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1949.
- "The Organization, Powers, and Personnel of the Board of Regents." W. B. Shaw, co-author. In The University of Michigan, an Encyclopedic Survey, 140–50. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1942.
- "The Constitutional Status of the University of Michigan." H. Travis, co-author. In The University of Michigan, an Encyclopedic Survey, 116–39. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1942.
- "Commission Control over the Certificate of Convenience and Necessity." In Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Meeting, Motor Bus Division, American Automobile Association, vol. 2, 89–100. Washington, D.C.: American Automobile Assoc., 1928.
- "The Nature of Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity." In Conference on Highway Transport Proceedings. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1927.
Journal Articles
- "Role of Law in Medical Progress." Law & Contemp. Probs. 32 (1967): 563–96.
- "AEC Production and Distribution of Radioisotopes: States Trading in a Free Enterprising Economy." Vand. L. Rev. 20 (1967): 369–91.
- "Program Activities of the American Bar Foundation." ABA J. 47 (1961): 491–3.
- "Law and the Administration of Justice in the Soviet Union." J. Am. Judicature Soc'y 43 (1960): 150–4.
- "Role of Discretion in Administrative Law and Its Relationship to the Rule of Law." Annales de la Faculté de droit d'Istanbul 9, no. 12 (1959): 316–25.
- "An American Law Professor Visits the Soviet Union." Mich. St. B.J. 38 (1959): 10–21.
- "Tort Liability for Radiation Injuries." Vand. L. Rev. 12 (1958): 93–114.
- "Legal Problems of Liability and Financial Protection Connected with Radiation Injuries." Proceedings, American Bar Association, Section of Insurance, Negligence and Compensation Law (1958): 102–9.
- "Judicial Selection around the World." J. Am. Judicature Soc'y 41 (1958): 134–41.
- "Judicial Selection in Perspective." Chi. B. Rec. 38 (1957): 247–54.
- "Law School, 1955–1956." Mich. L. Rev. 54 (1956): 1135–42
- "Peacetime Atomic Energy Developments in the Field of Law." Ins. L.J. (1955): 738.
- "Legal Problems Arising from Peacetime Use of Atomic Energy." Tenn. L. Rev. 24 (1955): 13–27.
- "Atomic Energy and American Institutions." Mich. Alumnus Q. Rev. 62 (1955): 1–10.
- "Nuclear Power—The Legal Situation." Com. & Fin. Chron. 179 (1954): 168, 198–9.
- "Law School, 1954–1955." Mich. L. Rev. 53 (1954): 237–46.
- "Introduction: Governmental Tort Liability Symposium." NYU L. Rev. 29, no. 7 (1954): 1321–4.
- "Roadblocks to Private Atomic Development." Com. & Fin. Chron. 177 (1953): 2633, 2644–5.
- "Nuclear Power—The Legal Situation." Am. Soc'y Mechanical Engineers, paper no. 53-A-230 (1953): 1–8.
- "Legal Education: Postgraduate Internship." ABA J. 39 (1953): 463–6, 520–1.
- "The Law Review—Its First Fifty Years." Mich. L. Rev. 50 (1952): 1134–8.
- "Organization and Jurisdiction of Administrative Courts in Civil Law Countries." Admin. L. Bull. 3 (1951): 88–93.
- "An Open Letter to the Legislature and to the Members of the Bar Proposing a State Law Revision Commission for Michigan." S. D. Estep et al., co-authors. Mich. St. B.J. 30 (1951): 25–30.
- "Disciplining Subversive Members of the Bar." Mich. St. B.J. 30 (1951): 16–9.
- "Mr. Justice Murphy, 1890-1949." Mich. L. Rev. 48 (1950): 737.
- "The Character Impact of Government Controls." Mich. Alumnus Q. Rev. 56 (1950): 185–91.
- "The Cook Lectures: Men and Measures in the Law: Arthur T. Vanderbilt." NYU L. Rev. 24 (1949): 22–37.
- "University of Michigan Law School." Mich. St. B.J. 27 (1948): 5–13.
- "The Model State Administrative Procedure Act." Iowa L. Rev. 33 (1948): 196–209.
- "Leadership in the Legal Profession." Mich. St. B.J. 27 (1948): 23.
- "The Late Professor Joseph Horace Drake." Mich. L. Rev. 46 (1948): 447–9.
- "Forum on Current Problems in International Law." Mich. L. Rev. 47, no. 1 (1948): 1–71.
- "Is the Law School Up-to-Date in Affording Instruction in Contemporary Statute Law." Mich. Alumnus 54 (1948): 372, 398.
- "A Shift in the Constitutional Scene." Utah B. Bull. 16 (1947): 206–10.
- "Law and Atomic Energy." Annals Am. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci. 249 (1947): 89–98.
- "Administrative Control of Atomic Energy." Utah B. Bull. 16 (1947): 211–8.
- "Recent Developments in Administrative Law." Mich. L. Rev. 44 (1946): 797–810.
- "The University's Hopes and Aims as it Plans for a Postwar World." Mich. Alumnus 52 (1945): 60, 71.
- "The First William W. Cook Lectures on American Institutions." Mich. Alumnus Q. Rev. 51 (1945): 285–91.
- "Relief from Taxation under the Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Act and Other Federal Legislation." Mich. L. Rev. 42 (1943): 502–6.
- "Edwin C. Goddard." G. C. Grismore, co-author. Mich. L. Rev. 41 (1943): 573–75.
- "Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions in Michigan." U. Det. L.J. 5 (1942): 90–104.
- "Democracy and Education." Mich. Alumnus Q. Rev. 48 (1942): 93–8.
- "Timing of Judicial Redress from Erroneous Administrative Action." Minn. L. Rev. 25 (1941): 560–87.
- "'Substantial Evidence' in Administrative Law." U. Pa. L. Rev. 89 (1941): 1026–51.
- "Study and Research in Administrative Law." Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 7 (1939): 684–702.
- "The Legal Institute as Seen from the Platform." Am. L. Sch. Rev. 9 (1939): 385–90.
- "Methods of Judicial Relief from Administrative Action." U. Cin. L. Rev. 12 (1938): 225–43.
- "Administrative Tribunals--Organization and Reorganization." Mich. L. Rev. 36 (1938): 533–67.
- "Tax Revision." Mich. Alumnus Q. Rev. 41 (1935): 419–26.
- "Michigan Public Acts of 1935." Mich. St. B.J. 14 (1935): 380–98.
- "The Fifteen Mill Tax Amendment and Its Effect." Mich. L. Rev. 31 (1933): 371–85.
- "State Administrative Supervision of Municipal Indebtedness." Mich. L. Rev. 30 (1932): 833–58.
- "Judicial Review of Tax Errors—Effect of Failure to Resort to Administrative Remedies." Mich. L. Rev. 28 (1930): 637–64.
- "Laws and Engineers Mix—No Police." Mich. Alumnus 36 (1929): 216–17.
- "The Law School Case Clubs." Mich. Alumnus 35 (1928): 250–1.
- "Indeterminate Permit for Public Utilities." Mich. L. Rev. 25 (1927): 354–92.
- "Ne Exeat in Michigan." Mich. St. B.J. 5 (1926): 80–91.
- Review of Star of Empire, by W. B. Wilcox. Mich. Alumnus Q. Rev. 58 (1952): 167–72.
- Review of Britain: A Case Study for Americans, by C. E. Griffin. Mich. Alumnus Q. Rev. 58 (1952): 167–72.
- Review of Men and Measures in the Law, by A. T. Vanderbilt. Mich. Alumnus Q. Rev. 55 (1948): 45–54.
- Review of Materials for Legal Method, by N. T. Dowling et al. Colum. L. Rev. 47, no. 4 (1947): 699–701.
- "If Men Were Angels: A Review." Review of If Men Were Angels: Some Aspects of Government in a Democracy, by J. Frank. Mich. L. Rev. 41, no. 2 (1942): 269–75.
- Review of Report of the President's Committee on Administrative Management. Ga. L.J. 26 (1938): 801–5.
- Review of Saving Taxes in Drafting Wills and Trusts, by J. J. Robinson. Mich. L. Rev. 29, no. 6 (1931): 805–6.
- Review of Selected Cases on the Law of Taxation, by H. Rottschaefer. Mich. L. Rev. 29, no. 1 (1930): 128–9.
- Review of Supplement to the Michigan Practice Acts, by Cumming and Beecher. Mich. St. B.J. 8, no. 3 (1929): 113–4.
- Review of Law for Engineers and Architects, by L. P. Simpson and E. R. Dillavou. Mich. L. Rev. 27, no. 7 (1929): 844–5.
- Review of Administrative Powers over Persons and Property, by E. Freund, and Justice and Administrative Law, by W. A. Robson. Mich. L. Rev. 27, no. 7 (1929): 845–7.
- Review of Insurance Commissioner in the United States, by E. W. Patterson. Mich. L. Rev. 26, no. 8 (1928): 949.
- Review of Administrative Justice and the Supremacy of Law, by J. Dickinson. Mich. L. Rev. 26, no. 5 (1928): 590–2.
- Review of Supreme Court on Incidence and Effects of Taxation, by M. Spahr. Mich. L. Rev. 25, no. 6 (1927): 689–91.
- Review of Federal Income and Estate Tax Laws, by W. E. Barton and C. W. Browning. U. Pa. L. Rev. 76, no. 1 (1927): 117–8.
- Review of Cases on Federal Taxation, by J. H. Beale and R. F. Magill. Ill. L. Rev. 21, no. 5 (1927): 532–3.
- Review of Public Utilities and the Law, by W. M. Wherry. Mich. L. Rev. 24, no. 5 (1926): 522–3.
- Review of The Federal Power Commission, by M. Conover, and The General Land Office, by M. Conover. Mich. L. Rev. 23, no. 8 (1925): 936–7.
Other Publications
- Foreword to Workshops on Legal Problems of Atomic Energy. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1956.
- Introduction to Introduction on Michigan Land Title Problems. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1956.
- Introduction to Law and Equity. B. Shartel and J. W. Reed, co-authors. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Overbeck, 1953.
- Foreword to Administrative Agencies and the Courts, by F. E. Cooper. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1951.
- Introduction to Civil Procedure. W. W. Blume and C. W. Joiner, co-authors. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Overbeck, 1950.
- Introduction to Men and Measures in the Law, by A. T. Vanderbilt. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1949.
- Foreword to Review of Administrative Acts, by A. Uhler. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1942.
Reprints (Articles and other publications reprinted in full and Law Quadrangle)
- "Law and the Administration of Justice in the Soviet Union." Clev. B. Ass'n J. 31 (1960): 243. (Originally published under the same title in J. Am. Judicature Soc'y 43 (1960): 150-4.)
- "Methods of Judicial Relief from Administrative Action." ABA J. 24 (1938): 274–8. (Originally published under the same title in U. Cin. L. Rev. 12 (1938): 225-43.)