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Book Chapters
- "Tracing the History of a Legal Term of Art: The Word azarah in Biblical, Tannaitic and Targumic Literature." In Aramaic in Postbiblical Judaism and Early Christianity: Papers from the 2004 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar at Duke University, edited by E. M. Meyers and P. V. M. Flescher, 105-26. Duke Judaic Studies Series, vol. 3. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2010.
- "'It Was Not for Naught That They Called It Hekdesh': Divine Ownership and the Medieval Charitable Foundation." In The Bar-Ilan Conference Volume, edited by J. Fleishman, 131-42. Jewish Law Association Studies, vol. XVIII. [Liverpool]: Jewish Law Association, 2008.