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- Illustrative Cases on Equity Jurisprudence. 2nd ed. R. E. Bunker, co-author. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1904.
- Illustrative Cases on Equity Jurisprudence. R. E. Bunker, co-author. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1902.
- Cases on Equity Jurisprudence. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1895.
Journal Articles
- "Combinations among Physicians to Fix Prices for Professional Services." Mich. L. Rev. 7, no. 3 (1909): 237–9.
- "Characteristics and Constitutionality of Medical Legislation." Mich. L. Rev. 7, no. 4 (1909): 295–317.
- "The Law Teacher: His Functions and Responsibilities." Colum. L. Rev. 8, no. 5 (1908): 362–74.
- "What Is the Practice of Medicine?" Mich. L. Rev. 5 (1907): 181-3.
- "Waiver of the Statutory Protection to the Confidential Relation of Physician and Patient." Mich. L. Rev. 5, no. 4 (1907): 266–9.
- "Should Men Bearing the Same Title in Any Institution Receive the Same Pay?" J. Proc. & Addresses Conf. Ass'n Am. U. 8 (1907): 92–9.
- "Liability of Hospitals for the Negligence of Their Physicians and Nurses." Mich. L. Rev. 5, no. 7 (1907): 552–9.
- "The Liability of Charitable Corporations for the Torts of Their Servants." Mich. L. Rev. 5, no. 8 (1907): 662–5.
- "Humanistic, and Particularly Classical, Studies as a Preparation for the Law." Sch. Rev. 15, no. 6 (1907): 423–9.
- "Disbarment or Suspension of Attorney." Mich. L. Rev. 5, no. 5 (1907): 354–7.
- "What Is the Practice of Medicine?" Mich. L. Rev. 4 (1906): 373-9.
- "Thomas McIntyre Cooley." Mich. Alumnus 13 (1906): 23–9.
- "Surgical Operation on Minor Without Consent of Parent." Mich. L. Rev. 5, no. 1 (1906): 40–1.
- "The Cy-Pres Doctrine." Mich. L. Rev. 4, no. 4 (1906): 287–92.
- "The Compensation of Medical Witnesses." Mich. L. Rev. 4, no. 6 (1906): 413–32.
- "The Examination of the Medical Expert." Mich. L. Rev. 3, no. 7; 8 (1905): 520–40; 597–616.
- "The Physician as an Expert." Mich. L. Rev. 2, no. 7; 8 (1904): 601–14; 687–711.
- "Liability of Railroad Companies for Medical Services Rendered to Injured Employees and Others." Mich. L. Rev. 2, no. 1 (1903): 1–24.
- "Justice William Rufus Day." Mich. Alumnus 9 (1903): 289–93.
- "Preferences Arising from Trust Relations." Mich. L. Rev. 1, no. 1 (1902): 1–16.
- "The Professional School as a Factor in University Education." Mich. Alumnus 5 (1899 ): 261–8.
- "A Word to the Alumni in Michigan." Mich. Alumnus 4 (1898): 291–3.
- "Legal Education: Its Relation to the People and the State." Mich. L.J. 4, no. 5 (1895): 141–52.
- Review of Equity Jurisprudence and Equitable Remedies, by J. N. Pomeroy. Mich. L. Rev. 4, no. 3 (1906): 248–50.
- Review of Centralization and the Law, by M. M. Bigelow. Mich. L. Rev. 4, no. 7 (1906): 566–70.