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- Co-editor. Michigan Court Rules Annotated; Forms. J. L. Honigman, co-editor. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1964.
- Co-editor. Michigan Court Rules Annotated. 2nd ed. J. L. Honigman, co-editor. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1962-1972.
Book Chapters
- "Recommendation for Technical Amendments to the Revised Judicature Act." In Sixth Annual Report. Michigan Law Revision Commission. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1971.
- "Summary Proceedings for Possession of Premises." In Fifth Annual Report. Michigan Law Revision Commission. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1970.
- "Practice Commentary on Revised Judicature Act." [Commentary] In Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated. St. Paul, Minn.: West, 1968.
- "The Erie Doctrine versus Federal Rules of Civil Procedure." In Federal Practice and Procedure. 19th Annual Mississippi Law Institute, 297–323. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1964.
Journal Articles
- "1970 Survey of Michigan Law: Civil Procedure." Wayne L. Rev. 17, no. 2 (1971): 315–38.
- "Integrated Pre-trial Attack on a Pleading: A Critical Evaluation of Michigan's New Summary Judgment Rule." B. Dick, co-author. Prospectus 2, no. 2 (1969): 311–25.
- "Professional Negligence Liability of Public Accountants." Vand. L. Rev. 12, no. 3 (1959): 797–824.
- Review of Revised Judicature Act: Special Proceedings and Appeals, by R. Needham. U. Det. L.J. 42, no. 3 (1965): 376.
- Review of Injuries to Relations, by L. Green et al. Nw. U. L. Rev. 54, no. 5 (1959): 652–8.