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- Editor. Current Studies in Japanese Law. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1979.
- Product Liability in American Law: General Principles and Recent Cases. Tokyo: Japanese Institute of International Business Law, 1973.
- Introduction to Sale of Goods and the Uniform Commercial Code. Tokyo: Japanese Institute of International Business Law, 1968.
- Soviet Civil Legislation. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1965.
- Co-translator. Civil Code of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic. R. Stults, co-translator. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1965.
Book Chapters
- "Commentary: Chinese Enforcement Policies and Practices." In International Intellectual Property Law & Policy, edited by Hugh C. Hansen, 5th, 11-1-11-6. Huntington, N.Y.: Juris Publishing, Inc., 2003.
- "Cross Cultural Problems in Resolution of Intellectual Property Disputes." In International Intellectual Property Law & Policy, 4th, 78-1-78-4. Yonkers, N.Y.: Juris Publishing, Inc., 2000.
- "International Cultural and Legal Considerations in Using American ADR Concepts." In International Intellectual Property Law & Policy, edited by Hugh C. Hansen, 2d, 26-1-26-5. Yonkers, N.Y.: Juris Publishing, Inc., 1998.
- "Is There a Growing International Arbitration Culture?" In International Dispute Resolution: Towards an International Arbitration Culture, edited by A. J. van den Berg, 23-30. International Council for Commercial Arbitration Congress Series, 8. The Hague, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 1998.
- "Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Experience in the United States." In Judicial Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean: Proceedings of a World Bank Conference, edited by M. Rowat et al., 65-77. World Bank Technical Paper, no. 280. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 1995.
- "Drafting the Dispute Resolution Clause." In Commercial Arbitration for the 1990s, edited by R. J. Medalie. Chicago: American Bar Assoc., 1991.
- "Drafting the Arbitration Clause." In Commercial Arbitration for the 1990s, edited by R. J. Medalie. Chicago: American Bar Assoc., 1991.
- "Drafting the Arbitration Clause." In Arbitration: A Viable Alternative to Litigation, 1-9. Chicago: American Bar Assoc., 1984.
- "Produzentenhaftung in den USA; Gegenwart und Zukunft (Products Liability in the USA Present and Future)." In Rechtsentwicklung in der Produckthaftung, edited by W. Posch and B. Schilcherq. Vienna: Wirtschaftsverlag Orac, 1981.
- "Products Liability." In General Reports to the Tenth International Congress of Comparative Law. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1981.
- "To What Extent Are Judicial Decisions and Legal Writings Sources of Law?" In Rapports Généraux au IXe Congrès international de Droit comparé, Téhéran, 27 Septembre-4 Octobre, 1974. Brussels: Bruylant, 1977.
- "American Law of Product Liability." In Product Liability. Tokyo: Japanese Institute of International Business Law, 1975.
- "Civil Law and Commercial Law in the United States." In The Unity of the Law of Obligations, edited by M. Rotondi, 151-9. Padua, Italy: CEDAM, 1974.
- "Soviet Tort Law: The New Priciples Annotated." In Law in The Soviet Union, 180-211. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1965.
Journal Articles
- "Copyright and International TRIPS Compliance." S. Perlmutter and J. H. Reichman, co-authors. Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 8, no. 1 (1997): 83-97. (Symposium: Fifth Annual Conference on International Intellectual Property Law and Policy.)
- "Globalisation of Contract Law: Rules for Commercial Contracts in the 21st Century." N.Z. L.J. 52 (1996): 52-3.
- "The Challenge of Asian Law." Fordham Int'l L.J. 19 (1995): 1-8.
- Co-translator. "Opinion of the Supreme People's Court on Questions Concerning the Implementation of the General Principles of Civil Law of the People's Republic of China." H. R. Zheng, co-translator. Law & Contemp. Probs. 52 (1989): 59-87.
- Co-translator. "General Principles of Civil Law of the People's Republic of China." H. R. Zheng, co-translator. Law & Contemp. Probs. 52 (1989): 27-57.
- Co-translator. "General Principles of Civil Law of the People's Republic of China." H. R. Zheng, co-translator. Am. J. Comp. L. 34 (1986): 715-43.
- "E Pluribus Unum? A Bicentennial Report on Unification of Law in the United States." Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 50 (1986): 111-65.
- "Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the U.S." 国外法学 [Science of Law Abroad (Peking University)] 3 (1985): 14-8. (Article is written in Chinese.)
- "The Use and Non-Use of Contract Law in Japan." Law in Japan 17 (1984): 97-119.
- "Special Supplement: Dispute Resolution Contract Clauses." Alternatives 2, no. 8 (1984): 12-8.
- "Current Problems of Commercial Arbitration in the U.S." Int'l Bus. L. Bull. (Tokyo) 8 (1980): 195-215, 487-91. (Article is written in Japanese)
- "Consumer Protection in the USA." Gakushuin Rev. L. & Pol. (1980): 73-116. (Article is written in Japanese.)
- "Impact of the UCC on American Contract Law." Foreign L. Res. Materials 75 (1979): 51-63. (Article is written in Japanese and is an unverified citation.)
- "Punitive Damages in American Law." Amerika hō 2 (1978): 171-85. (Article is written in Japanese.)
- "My Experience with Japanese Law." Jurisuto (The Jurist) 600 (1975): 49-50.
- "La Educación Legal en la Unión Soviética y Europa del Este." Jurisprudencia Argentina: Doctrina (1974): 35-42.
- "American Law of Product Liability." J. Japanese Inst. Int'l Bus. L. 1, no. 6 (1973): 2.
- "The Basic Course—A Mild Dissent." Am. J. Comp. L. 19 (1971): 633-44.
- "Legal Education in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe." Int'l Law. 5 (1971): 738-49.
- "Scholarship on Soviet Family Law in Perspective." Colum. L. Rev. 70 (1970): 236-52.
- "Enforcement of a Promise in Modern American Law." Int'l Bus. L. Bull. (Tokyo) 95 (1970): 2-9. (Article is written in Japanese.)
- "The Role of the Uniform Commercial Code in American Law." Int'l Bus. L. Bull. (Tokyo) 85 (1969): 2-9. (Article is written in Japanese.)
- "Remedies for Breach under the Uniform Commercial Code." Int'l Bus. L. Bull. (Tokyo) 89 (1969): 2-8. (Article is written in Japanese.)
- "Contract Interpretation under the Uniform Commercial Code." Int'l Bus. L. Bull. (Tokyo) 88 (1969): 2-11. (Article is written in Japanese.)
- "Contract Interpretation and the Uniform Commercial Code." Int'l Bus. L. Bull. (Tokyo) 87 (1969): 2-9. (Article is written in Japanese.)
- "Contract Formation under the Uniform Commercial Code." Int'l Bus. L. Bull. (Tokyo) 86 (1969): 2-9. (Article is written in Japanese.)
- "Soviet Tort Law: The New Principles Annotated." U. Ill. L.F. 1964 (1964): 180-211.
- Review of The Justice of the Western Consular Courts in Nineteenth Century Japan, by R. T. Chang. J. Asian Stud. 44 (1985): 836-8.
- Review of Justice without Law?, by J. S. Auerbach. ABA J. 69 (1983): 794-8.
- Review of Contemporary Soviet Law: Essays in Honor of John N. Hazard, by D. D. Barry et al., editors. Am. J. Comp. L. 25 (1977): 192-5.
- Review of Encyclopedia of Soviet Law, by F. J. M. Feldbrugge et al., editors. Am. J. Comp. L. 23 (1975): 590-1.
- Review of The Judge in a Communist State: A View from Within, by O. Ulc. Mich. L. Rev. 71, no. 5 (1973): 1089-91.
- Review of Contemporary Chinese Law: Research Problems and Perspectives, by J. A. Cohen, editor. Am. J. Comp. L. 19 (1971): 391-5.
- Review of The Validity of Sales Contracts: A Comparative Study, Max Planck Institute. Mod. L. & Soc'y 2 (1968): 164-7.
- Review of The Law of Restitution, by R. Goff and G. H. Jones. Harv. L. Rev. 82 (1968): 1201-6.
- Review of The Soviet Legal System, by J. Hazard and I. Shapiro, and How Russia Is Ruled, by M. Fainsod. U. Chi. L. Rev. 31 (1964): 417-25.
- Review of A Bibliography on Foreign and Comparative Law, by C. Szladits. Am. Pol. Sci. Rev. 57 (1963): 495.
- Review of The Soviet System of Government, by J. N. Hazard, Settling Disputes in Soviet Society, by J. N. Hazard, Government, Law and Courts in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, by V. Gsovski and K. Grzybowski, and The Law of Inheritance in Eastern Europe and in the People's Republic of China, by A. Szirmai et al. Mich. L. Rev. 60 (1961): 251-8.