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- Editor. Mekarkeyin Be-Israel: Beyn Ha-Prati Law-Leumi. Tel-Aviv: Hotsa'at Ramot, Universitat Tel-Aviv, 1999. (Translated title is Land Law in Israel: Between Private and Public. Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.)
Book Chapters
- "Takanat Ha-Sahuk Bituakh." In Mekhkarey Mishpat Likhvodo Shel Yehoshua Weisman, edited by S. Lerner and D. Lewinsohn-Zamir, 15-42. Jerusalem: Harry and Michael Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, Hebrew Univ., 2002. (Translated title is "Market Overt as Insurance." In Essays in Honour of Joshua Weisman.)
- "Encroachments: Between Private and Public." In Unjustified Enrichment: Key Issues in Comparative Perspective, edited by D. Johnston and R. Zimmermann, 348-65. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002.
- "Kinyan, Akhrayut Herratit and Tsedek Halukati." In Tsedek halukati be-Yis'ra'el, edited by M. Mautner, 97-118. Tel-Aviv: Hotsa'at Ramot, Universitat Tel-Aviv, 2000. (Translated title is "Property, Social Responsibility, and Distributive Justice." In Distributive Justice in Israel. Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.)
- "Diney Asiyat Osher: Beyn Yahadut Le-Liberalism." In Mishpat Ve-Historyah, edited by D. Gutvain and M. Mautner, 165-90. Jerusalem: Merkaz Zalman Shazar le-toldot Yisra'el, 1999. (Translated title is "Unjust Enrichment Law: Between Judaism and Liberalism." In Law and History. Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.)
Journal Articles
- "A Taxing Settlement." J. J. White, co-author. Law Quad. Notes 45, no. 3 (2002): 72-6. (Essay based on a talk entitled "Government, Citizens, and Injurious Industries: A Case Study of the Tobacco Litigation," delivered by H. Dagan in May 2002 to the Detroit Chapter of the International Assoc. of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, and on the article "Governments, Citizens, and Injurious Industries." H. Dagan and J. J. White, co-authors. NYU L. Rev. 75, no. 2 (2000): 354-428.)
- "Qualitative Judgements and Social Criticism in Private Law: A Comment on Professor Keating." Theoretical Inquiries L. 4, no. 1 (2003): 89-104.
- "Mistakes (Symposium: Restitution and Unjust Enrichment)." Tex. L. Rev. 79, no. 7 (2001): 1795-836.
- "The Liberal Commons." M. A. Heller, co-author. Yale L.J. 110, no. 4 (2001): 549-623.
- "Franz Rosenzweig: Biography and Personal Philosophy." J. Jewish Thought & Phil. 10, no. 2 (2001): 289-312.
- "Restitutionary Damages for Breach of Contract: An Exercise in Private Law Theory." Theoretical Inquiries L. 1, no. 1 (2000): 115-54. (Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.)
- "Just Compensation, Incentives, and Social Meanings." Mich. L. Rev. 99, no. 1 (2000): 134-56. (Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.)
- "Governments, Citizens, and Injurious Industries." J. J. White, co-author. NYU L. Rev. 75, no. 2 (2000): 354-428. (Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.)
- "The Distributive Foundation of Corrective Justice." Mich. L. Rev. 98, no. 1 (1999): 138-66. (Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.)
- "Takings and Distributive Justice." Va. L. Rev. 85, no. 5 (1999): 741-804. (Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.)
- "In Defense of the Good Samaritan." Mich. L. Rev. 97, no. 5 (1999): 1152-200. (Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.)
Reprints (Articles and other publications reprinted in full and Law Quadrangle)
- "Takings and Distributive Justice." Land Use & Envtl. L. Rev. 32 (2001): 111-74. (Originally published under the same title in Va. L. Rev. 85, no. 5 (1999): 741-804.)
- "Takings and Distributive Justice." In Zoning and Planning Law Handbook. 2000 ed., edited by Deborah Mans, 101-206. New York: West Group, 2000. (Originally published under the same title in Va. L. Rev. 85, no. 5 (1999): 741-804. Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.)