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- Cook's Books: The Published Writings of William W. Cook. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1994.
- Enterprise Organization: Cases, Statutes, and Analysis on Licensing, Employment, Agency, Partnerships, Associations, and Corporations. 4th ed. R. L. Knauss and S. Siegel, co-authors. Mineola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1987.
- Agency, Associations, Employment, Licensing and Partnerships; Cases, Statutes and Analysis on Enterprise Organization. 4th ed. R. L. Knauss and S. Siegel, co-authors. Mineola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1987.
- 1987 Corporation and Partnership: Statutes, Rules and Forms. R. L. Knauss and S. Siegel, co-authors. Mineola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1987.
- Enterprise Organization: Cases, Statutes, and Analysis on Licensing, Employment, Agency, Partnerships, Associations, and Corporations. 3rd ed. R. L. Knauss and S. Siegel, co-authors. Mineola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1982.
- Corporations: Cases, Statutes and Analysis on Enterprise Organization. 2nd ed. R. L. Knauss and S. Siegel, co-authors. Mineola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1982.
- Agency, Associations, Employment, Licensing and Partnerships; Cases, Statutes and Analysis on Enterprise Organization. 3rd ed. R. L. Knauss and S. Siegel, co-authors. Mineola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1982.
- 1982 Corporation and Partnership: Statutes, Rules and Forms. R. L. Knauss and S. Siegel, co-authors. Mineola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1982.
- Enterprise Organization: Cases, Statutes, and Analysis on Licensing, Employment, Agency, Partnerships, Associations, and Corporations. 2nd ed. R. L. Knauss and S. Siegel, co-authors. Mineola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1977.
- Agency, Associations, Employment, Licensing and Partnerships; Cases, Statutes and Analysis on Enterprise Organization. 2nd ed. R. L. Knauss and S. Siegel, co-authors. Mineola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1977.
- Corporations in Perspective. Mineola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1976.
- Chief editor. Business and Private Organizations, vol. 13. International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law. New York: Oceana, 1972-1989.
- Enterprise Organization: Cases, Statutes and Analysis on Licensing, Employment, Agency, Partnerships, Associations, and Corporations. R. L. Knauss and S. Siegel, co-authors. Mineola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1972.
- Corporations: Cases, Statutes and Analysis on Enterprise Organization. R. L. Knauss and S. Seigel, co-authors. Mineola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1972.
- Agency, Associations, Employment, Licensing and Partnerships; Cases, Statutes and Analysis on Enterprise Organization. R. L. Knauss and S. Siegel, co-authors. Mineola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1972.
- Cases and Materials on the Law of Business Organization: Employment, Agency, Partnership, Attorneys. 3rd ed. R. L. Knauss, co-author. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1965.
- Automobile Accident Costs and Payments: Studies in the Economics of Injury Reparation. H. Bernstein et al., co-authors. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1964.
- Anglo-Amerikan Hukukuna Giris (Introduction to Anglo-American Law). Istanbul: University of Istanbul, 1959.
- Cases and Materials on the Law of Business Organization: Agency, Employment, Partnership, Joint Enterprises and Ventures. 2nd ed. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1957.
- Editor. Conference on Aims and Methods of Legal Research. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1955.
Book Chapters
- "Introduction." D. Vagts, co-author. In International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, edited by A. Conard and D.Vagts, vol. 13.1 (Business and Private Organizations): Introd.-2 to Introd.-25. Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck, 2006.
- "Fundamental Changes in Marketable Share Companies." In International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, edited by A. Conard and D. Vagts, vol. 13.2 (Business and Private Organizations): 6-1 to 6-112. Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck, 2006.
- "Business Enterprises." M. W. Gordon, co-author. In Introduction to the Law of the United States. 2nd ed., edited by D. S. Clark and T. Ansay, 311-37. The Hague, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 2002.
- "Business Enterprises." In Introduction to the Law of the United States, edited by D. S. Clark and T. Ansay, 307-31. Deventer, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1992.
- "Corporate Governance: A Status Report." In Corporate Governance: A Definitive Exploration of the Issues, 65-80. Los Angeles: UCLA, 1983.
- "Federal Protection of the Free Movement of Corporations." In Courts and Free Markets: Perspectives from the United States and Europe, edited by T. Sandalow and E. Stein, 362-84. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982.
- "Business Corporations in American Society." In Commentaries on Corporate Structure and Governance, edited by D. E. Schwartz, 41-9. Philadelphia: ALI-ABA, 1979.
- "Le funzioni dei concetti corporativi." In Avvocatura degli Enti Pubblici. Rome: Unione Nazionale Avvocati degli Enti Pubblici, 1976.
- "Changes in the Capital of Corporations." In Law in the United States of America in Social and Technological Revolution: Reports from the United States of America on Topics of Major Concern as Established for the IXth Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, edited by J. N. Hazard and W. J. Wagner, 265-85. Brussels: Bruylant, 1974.
- "Company Laws of the European Communities from an American Viewpoint." In The Harmonisation of European Company Law, edited by C. M. Schmitthoff, 45-75. London: United Kingdom National Committee of Comparative Law, 1973.
- "Fundamental Changes in Marketable Share Companies." In International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, edited by A. Conard, vol. 13 (Business and Private Organizations): 6-1 to 6-112. Tübingen, Germany: J. C. B. Mohr, 1972.
- "Quantitative Analysis of Justice." In Workshop for Claims Managers, edited by C. J. Badway. New York: Practising Law Institute, 1970.
- "The Economic Treatment of Automobile Injuries." In Dollars, Delay and the Automobile Victim, 413-68. Indianapolis, Ind.: Bobbs-Merrill, 1968.
- "New Hope for Consensus in the Automobile Injury Impasse." J. E. Jacobs, co-author. In Dollars, Delay and the Automobile Victim, 397-412. Indianapolis, Ind.: Bobbs-Merrill, 1968.
- "La Mosäique des Droits de Sociétés des États-Unis." In Travaux et Conférences de Faculté Droit de l'Université de Bruxelles, 47-58. Brussels: Université Libre de Bruxelles Faculté de Droit, 1967.
- "Harmonisation des Législations commerciales des États-Unis." In Travaux et Conférences de la Faculté Droit de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, 33-46. Brussels: Université Libre de Bruxelles Faculté de Droit, 1967.
- "Economics of Injury Reparation: Are There Alternatives to Tort Liability?" In Trauma and the Automobile, edited by W. J. Curran and N. J. Chayet, 350-69. Cincinnati, Ohio: W. H. Anderson, 1966.
- "Problemas Financieros de las Empresas de Negocios--El de Extraer el Dinero." In El Derecho de los Estados Unidos, edited by J. C. Chommie, 317-58. Coral Gables, Fla.: University of Miami Press, 1963.
- "The Liabilities of Corporate Directors and Officers in the United States." In La Società per Azioni alla Metà del Secolo XX: Studia in Memoria di Angelo Sraffa, 193-206. Padua, Italy: CEDAM, 1962.
- "Organizing for Business." In American Enterprise in the European Common Market, edited by E. Stein and T. L. Nicholson. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1960.
- "Business Organization in the European Common Market." In International Business: Essential Considerations for Growing Midwest Enterprise, edited by L. P. Dowd, 22-33. Ann Arbor: School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, 1960.
Journal Articles
- "Vera Bolgar, 1913-2003." Am. J. Comp. L. 52, no. 1 (2004): 5-7.
- "Elder Choice and Health Care Costs." Health Systems Rev. 27, no. 4 (1994): 39-40.
- "A Lovable Law Review." J. Legal Educ. 44, no. 1 (1994): 1-5.
- "Who Pays in the End for Injury Compensation? Reflections on Wealth Transfers from the Innocent." San Diego L. Rev. 30 (1993): 283-306.
- "Elder Choice." Am. J.L. & Med. 19 (1993): 233-83.
- "Enterprise Liability and Insider Trading." Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 49 (1992): 913-55.
- "Control, Responsibility and Abdication: A Dilemma of Securities Regulation." J. Corp. L. 17 (1992): 539-79.
- "The European Alternative to Uniformity in Corporation Laws." Mich. L. Rev. 89 (1991): 2150-200.
- "Corporate Constituencies in Western Europe." Stetson L. Rev. 21 (1991): 73-95.
- "Will Institutional Investors Take Charge." Corp. Directions (1990): 45-7.
- "The Injury Tax: One That's Ripe for Reform." Def. Couns. J. 57 (1990): 374-6.
- "The Injury Tax." Stetson L. Rev. 2 (1990): 3-5.
- "Beyond Managerialism: Investor Capitalism?" U. Mich. J.L. Reform 22 (1988): 117-78.
- "Die Überwachung des Unternehmensmanagements." Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht 16 (1987): 180-218.
- "Theses for a Corporate Reformation." U.C. Davis L. Rev. 19 (1986): 259-302.
- "Securities Regulation in the Burger Court." Securities L. Rev. (1985): 3-35.
- "Securities Regulation in the Burger Court." U. Colo. L. Rev. 56 (1985): 193-225.
- "A Legislative Text: New Ways to Write Laws." Statute L. Rev. 6, no. 3 (1985): 62-83.
- "Winnowing Derivative Suits through Attorneys Fees." Law & Contemp. Probs. 47, no. 1 (1984): 269-92.
- "The Supervision of Corporate Management: A Comparison of Developments in European Community and United States Law." Mich. L. Rev. 82 (1984): 1459-88.
- "The Nobel Prize for Law." U. Mich. J.L. Reform 18 (1984): 225-32.
- "Tender Offer Fraud: The Secret Meaning of Subsection 14(e)." Bus. Law. 40 (1984): 87-110.
- "The Wicked Which." Int'l Soc'y Barristers Q. 18 (1983): 379-81.
- "The Which Hunt." Law Quad. Notes 28, no. 1 (1983): 1-2.
- "The Law School's Responsibility for the Quantity of Justice." J. Legal Educ. 33 (1983): 600-3.
- "Overdoing Civil Justice." Det. C.L. Rev. (1983): 1111-20.
- "The Roles of Law Books." Mich. L. Rev. 80 (1982): 567-72.
- "Rodolfo Batiza: A Brief Recollection." Tul. L. Rev. 56 (1982): 462-4.
- "The Meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility: Variations on a Theme of Edwin M. Epstein." Hastings L.J. 30 (1979): 1321-6.
- "Amendments of Model Business Corporation Act Affecting Dissenters' Rights." Bus. Law. 33 (1978): 2587-605.
- "Reflections on Public Interest Directors." Mich. L. Rev. 75 (1977): 941-61.
- "Changes in Model Business Corporation Act Affecting Dissenter's Rights." Bus. Law. 32 (1977): 1855-78.
- "The Corporate Census: A Preliminary Exploration." Cal. L. Rev. 63 (1975): 440-62.
- "You Don't Have to Pass the Bar to Win." Student Law. J. 2 (1974): 17-21.
- "Letter from the Law Clinic." J. Legal Educ. 26 (1974): 194-207.
- "An Overview of the Laws of Corporations." Mich. L. Rev. 71 (1973): 621-90.
- "New Models of Justice." J. Legal Educ. 24 (1972): 202-9.
- "Functions of Directors under the Existing System." Bus. Law. 27 (1972): 23-46.
- "A Behavioral Analysis of Directors' Liability for Negligence." Duke L.J. 1972 (1972): 895-919.
- "Volution in the AALS." J. Legal Educ. 23 (1971): 601-3.
- "The Crisis of Justice." Washburn L.J. 11 (1971): 1-10.
- "New Models of Justice." Mich. St. B.J. 50 (1971): 451-6.
- "Macrojustice: A Systematic Approach to Conflict Resolution." Ga. L. Rev. 5 (1971): 415-28.
- "Macrojustice." Student Law. J. 16 (1971): 39.
- "Live and Let Live: Justice in Injury Reparation, 1968." Judicature 52 (1968): 105-10.
- "Quantitative Analysis of Justice." J. Legal Educ. 20 (1967): 1-20.
- "On Basic Protection of Automobile Insurance." U. Ill. L.F. 1967 (1967): 440-53.
- "New Hope for Consensus in the Automobile Injury Impasse." J. E. Jacobs, co-author. ABA J. 52 (1966): 533-8.
- "Corporate Fusion in the Common Market." Am. J. Comp. L. 14 (1966): 573-602.
- "The Economic Treatment of Automobile Injuries." Mich. L. Rev. 63 (1964): 279-326.
- "The European Economic Community in American Law Schools." J. Legal Educ. 15 (1963): 269-78.
- "Liability of Corporate Officers and Directors." Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi 2 (1963): 226-45. (The article is translated into Turkish.)
- "Las sociedades comerciales en los Estados Unidos de América." Revista jurídica Argentina. La Ley. 111 (1963): 993-9.
- "The Economics of Injury Litigation." C. E. Voltz, co-author. Ins. Couns. J. 29 (1962): 446-50.
- "Foreign Business Organizations." Clev. B. Ass'n J. 32 (1961): 107, 115-24.
- "The Economics of Injury Litigation." C. E. Voltz, co-author. Mich. St. B.J. 39 (1960): 32-7.
- "Note, British-Canadian-American Law Teachers' Conference." Am. J. Comp. L. 9 (1960): 580-1.
- "Forming a Subsidiary in the European Common Market." Mich. L. Rev. 59 (1960): 1-48.
- "Financing a Subsidiary in the European Common Market." U. Pitt. L. Rev. 22 (1960): 55-89.
- "A New Deal for Fiduciaries' Stock Transfers." Mich. L. Rev. 56 (1958): 843-86.
- "Simplifying Securities Transfers." Rocky Mtn. L. Rev. 30 (1957): 33-47.
- "Foreign Law in Foreign Language." E. Stein, co-author. J. Legal Educ. 10 (1957): 232-3.
- "Simplification of Security Transfers by Fiduciaries." Tr. & Est. 94 (1955): 835; 95 (1956) 904; 96 (1957) 861.
- "Manipulation of Share Priorities." Vand. L. Rev. 8 (1954): 55-72.
- "Financial Problems of the Business Enterprises: Getting the Money Out." U. Ill. L.F. 1954 (1954): 427-64.
- "Cook and the Corporate Shareholder: A Belated Review of William W. Cook's Publications on Corporations." Review of A Treatise on the Law of Stock and Stockholders, as Applicable to Railroad, Banking, Insurance, Manufacturing, Commercial, Business, Turnpike, Bridge, Canal, and Other Private Corporations, by W. W. Cook. Mich. L. Rev. 93, no. 6 (1995): 1724-38.
- "Global Enterprise and Atomistic Law." Review of The Multinational Challenge to Corporation Law, by P. I. Blumberg. J. Corp. L. 18, no. 4 (1993): 707-12.
- "Coup de Grace for Personal Injury Torts?" Review of Doing Away with Personal Injury Law: New Compensation Mechanisms for Victims, Consumers and Business, by S. D. Sugarman. Mich. L. Rev. 88 (1990): 1557-76.
- Review of Compensation and Support for Illness and Injury, by D. Harris et al. Am. J. Comp. L. 35 (1987): 431-5.
- Review of La Sociedad Anónima Mexicana, by W. F. Philipp. Ariz. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 1 (1982): 310-2.
- Review of Enquête comparative sur les sociétés par actions, by M. Rotondi. Am. J. Comp. L. 23 (1975): 759-61.
- Review of Close Corporations: Law and Practice, by F. H. O'Neal, and Corporate and Tax Aspects of Closely Held Corporations, by W. H. Painter. ABA J. 58, no. 10 (1972): 1043-4.
- Review of The Injury Industry and the Remedy of No-Fault Insurance, by J. O'Connell. U. Ill. L.F. (1971): 351.
- Review of Basic Protection for the Traffic Victim, by J. O'Connell and R. E. Keeton. UCLA L. Rev. 13 (1966): 1432-41.
- Review of Le droit des sociétés anonymes dans les pays de la Communauté Économique Européenne, by J. van Wynendaele and H. Wouters. Am. J. Comp. L. 11, no. 2 (1962): 261-2.
Other Publications
- Foreword to French Business Enterprises, by J. H. Crabb. Littleton, Colo.: F. B. Rothman, 1979.
- Foreword to Towards Administrative Justice, by H. W. R. Wade, v-ii. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1963.