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Book Chapters
- "A Vision for Scaling Microfinance: More Than Dollars and Smarts." In Financial Inclusion, Innovation, and Investments: Biotechnology and Capital Markets Working for the Poor, edited by R. D. Christy and V. L. Bogan, 57-72. Singapore: World Scientific, 2011.
- "Women as Leaders in International Microfinance." In Gender and Women's Leadership: A Reference Handbook, edited by K. O'Connor, vol. 1, 435-42. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage, 2010.
Journal Articles
- "Resolving Impact Investment Disputes: When Doing Good Goes Bad." Wash. U. J.L. & Pol'y 48 (2015).
- "Crossing Borders to Create Value: Integrating International LL.M.'s into a Transactional Clinic." Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 19 (2015): 441.
- "Clinical Collaborations: Going Global to Advance Social Entrepreneurship." S. R. Jones, J. Ng, and A. Plerhoples, co-authors. Int'l J. Clinical Legal Educ. 20 (2014): 499-518.
- "Globalizing Social Finance: How Social Impact Bonds and Social Impact Performance Guarantees can Scale Development." NYU J.L. & Bus. 9 (2013): 447-502.
- "Beyond Microfinance: Creating Opportunities for Women at the Base of the Pyramid." Int'l Trade F. 2012, no. 2 (2012): 20-1.
- "Teaching Transactional Skills and Law in an International Context." K. Yelpaala and P. Linzer, co-authors. Transactions: Tenn. J. Bus. L. 12, no. 3 (2011): 275-98.
- "Microfranchising: A Business Approach to Fighting Poverty." D. Koch, co-author. Franchise L.J. 30, no. 1 (2010): 24-34.
- "Doing Good While Doing Deals: Early Lesson in Launching an International Transactions Clinic." Mich. Int'l Law. 22, no. 1 (2010): 12-5.
- "Microfinance Managers Consider Online Funding: Is It Finance, Marketing, or Something Else?" CGAP Focus Note 54 (2009): 1-12.
- "Deleveraging Microfinance: Principles for Managing Voluntary Debt Workouts of Microfinance Institutions." J.L. & Com. 27, no. 1 (2009): 193-207.
Other Publications
- "Launch of an International Transactions Clinic: Doing Good While Doing Deals." International Bar Association, 2010.