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Book Chapters
- "The Economic Importance of the Business Judgment Rule: An Empirical Analysis of the Trans Union Decision and Subsequent Delaware Legislation." C. Schipani, co-author. In Corporate Governance, Restructuring, and the Market for Corporate Control, edited by J. Bicksler and A. Sametz. Homewood, Ill.: Dow Jones Books, 1990.
Journal Articles
- "Insider Trading, Outside Search, and Resource Allocation: Why Firms and Society May Disagree on Insider Trading Restrictions." N. Khanna and S. L. Slezak, co-authors. Rev. Fin. Stud. 7, no. 3 (1994): 575-608.
- "The Untenable Case for Chapter 11." M. Rosenzweig, co-author. Yale L.J. 101, no. 5 (1991): 1043–95.
- "Tender Offer Auctions, Resistance Strategies and Social Welfare." E. Berkovitch and N. Khanna, co-authors. J.L. Econ. & Org. 5, no. 2 (1989): 395–412.
- "The Relevance of the Duty of Care Standard in Corporate Governance." C. A. Schipani, co-author. Iowa L. Rev. 75, no. 1 (1989): 1–74.
- "Synergistic Gains from Corporate Acquisitions and Their Division between the Stockholders of Target and Acquiring Firms." A. Desai and E. H. Kim, co-authors. J. Fin. Econ. 21, no. 1 (1988): 3–40.